Chapter 37 - The weight of the crown

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Luca's pov

I knew my mother would like Maddie. What's there not to like? Maddie is sweet, kind, funny, beautiful. I sound like a lovesick fool, but there it is.

Yeah, I pulled a fast one by bringing Maddie without notice. But if I'd given my mother a heads-up, she'd have made a big deal out of it. I wanted to spare Maddie, and myself, from the whirlwind that is my family. They're crazy, hysterical, a damn handful.

Introducing Maddie to my mother first was a strategic move. One, because if word got out that I showed up to a private gathering with a girl, my mother would hunt us down. And two, she'd go easy on Maddie, especially with my aunts around. Even so, she couldn't resist teasing me, telling Maddie it was a pleasure to finally meet her. I saw what she did, and I know, Maddie caught it too. She shot me a look but didn't say anything. Like she's been wanting to ask me something for a while now, but every time, she chickens out. It drives me crazy, not knowing what's on her mind. I want to ask, but for the first time, I'm scared she'll ask the wrong question. A question I can't, and won't, answer. She can't know who I really am. Not yet.

I quickly pulled Maddie away from my mother's clutches before she could grill her about our 'relationship' or whatever this thing between us is. My mind keeps drifting back to the way she moaned my name this morning in the shower. Just thinking about it makes me hard again.

Maddie whispered something to my mother, something I didn't catch, but it made her smile. She looked at Maddie approvingly, "I have a feeling he isn't going to lose sight of you," she said, touching Maddie's cheek in a way that was oddly tender. Then she turned to me, her look changing to a scowl, "I like her, Luca. Be nice to her," she warned. She's tiny but terrifying when she wants to be.

I shot her a look, and she smirked, knowing. I pulled Maddie with me before my mother could embarrass me any further.

"You look a lot like her," Maddie says softly beside me. I look down into her emerald eyes and cannot help but smile. Her enthusiasm is infectious.

"You think so? Wait until you see my father," I say. Speaking of, where the hell is he? I scan the crowd and spot my brother, Dante, Bri, and the devil, but they aren't who I am looking for. Finally, I find Domenico, my father's consigliere, standing near the door. He nod at me to follow. That means one thing: the boss wants to talk.

"Luca," Maddie's voice pull me back. She nod toward her friends. Sharp eyes, this girl. "Let's go say hi," I say, letting go of her hand so she can greet her friends.

I follow, noting the looks on my brother and Dante's faces as they see Maddie, then they look behind her, and they find me, and smirk at me. Fuckers.

"Luca picked me up," Maddie says softly, blushing. Adorable. The two of them make teasing noises. "Chiudi la bocca adesso!" Shut your fucking mouths, now. I growl at them, asserting my authority.

Maddie's gaze soften my anger. What does this girl do to me?

I motion for Dante to follow, lean down to Maddie's ear, and take her hand. "I'll be right back," I whisper, squeezing her hand. Turning to Vinny, I order, "Resta con lei," Stay with her. I move toward the house, knowing Dante is on my heels.

As we stride through the lavish corridors of my grandfather's grand estate, Dante finally catches up, panting slightly. "So, Maddie, huh?" he smirks, clearly having slacked off at the gym this week.

I shoot him a glare sharp enough to cut glass. "What about her?" I snap, my voice steady but laced with an edge.

Dante chuckles, but there's a dangerous undertone. "You don't bring just any girl around, Luca. You never have."

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