Chapter 22 - Heart to heart

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"Are you sure that you are not Italian with that temper of yours," Vinny's voice broke through my thoughts, and I looked up to find him wearing a goofy smile as we all lounged on Bri's couch. The atmosphere had been tense at first, awkward silences lingered the air as everyone seemed unsure of how to interact with me. No one had dared to say something further about what had happened last night, so I had chosen to leave it to it. The guys had all shed their suit jackets in an attempt to relax and make themselves comfortable. Conversation flowed sporadically, punctuated by Emily's sassy remark.

"I do not have a temper," Emily declares with a toss of her head. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, letting out a laugh. Her narrowed eyes snapped to mine in response. "Don't act innocent," she quipped, her tone teasing yet tinged with a hint of challenge.

"Well, Maddie can blame her genes," Bri counters playfully, "You're 100% Dutch, so no blaming any Mediterranean temper on you."

"Mediterranean temper?" Luca speaks up for the first time, his deep voice cutting through the chatter. Until now, he had been quietly observing the conversation, occasionally checking his phone, which buzzed every few seconds. I've never met anyone who receives so many messages per hour; it's a miracle his phone hasn't overheated yet.

"Yeah, well," I say, turning to look at him. "Genetically, I have a bit of Italian blood in me." I squirm slightly under the intensity of his stare. He remains silent, his eyes fixed on me with a piercing gaze. The weight of his gaze makes me look away just as the silence becomes unbearable.

"Yes, because of your grandma, right?" Bri interjects sweetly, trying to ease the awkwardness since Luca isn't engaging in the conversation like a normal human being.

I flash her a grateful look and nod. "Yes, it's a complicated story," I say and chuckle softly, glancing at Luca's phone, which has buzzed for the tenth time in the past minute.

"I have the time," he says, flipping his phone so the screen faces downwards, giving me his full attention. The gesture makes me almost choke on my own spit, his intense blue eyes scanning me thoroughly. Clearly, he remembers my earlier comment at breakfast about not wanting to engage in conversation while he was glued to his phone. Probably nobody notice it, but makes my heart flutter. Get it together, Maddie.

"Umm, well..." I start, feeling my cheeks heat up as everyone in the group turns their attention to me. "Long story short, my mother was the result of an affair my biological grandmother had with a married Italian man. My grandmother wasn't in a position to support and raise a child on her own, so my mother was put up for adoption. That's how she ended up with my grandparents in the Netherlands."

As I speak, I notice the curiosity in their eyes. Dante leans forward on his knees, while Bri gives me an encouraging nod. Luca's gaze remains steady, his intense blue eyes fixed on me, making my heart race even more.

"So, that's where the Italian blood comes from," I add, trying to end the story with a small smile.

"Fuck," Vinny laughs, clapping his hands together loudly. "Now I understand the attraction."

Attraction? What does he mean by that?

I shoot him a puzzled look, trying to decipher his comment. Just as I'm about to ask for clarification, Luca snaps something at him in spitfire Italian. Though I can't understand the words, the effect is immediate—Vinny's laughter ceases, and he clamps his mouth shut, looking chastened.

Luca's eyes return to me, and the intensity of his gaze is unmistakable: don't ask. His unspoken command is clear, a silent warning that this is not a topic for discussion.

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