Chapter 21 - Wildfire

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May 4, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.



"Oh no, babe, it's not your fault," Brianna says softly, her eyes filled with pity as she looks at me. We are sprawled out on her plush, modern couch in her spacious apartment. Bri's place is much nicer than the one Emily and I share; it's roomier and far more modern. We usually hang out at our apartment. But today is different.

Emily and I fled to Brianna's sanctuary because William wouldn't stop stalking me with messages, threatening to show up at our place if I didn't respond. So, in the only message I sent to him, I made it very clear that there was nothing left to discuss and that our relationship was over.  Apparently he does not take no for an answer and kept bothering, so that is why we fled to Brianna's. I needed an escape from him, before I fall right back into his trap.

It's the day after I discovered William's betrayal—he's been cheating on me behind my back. The realization has left me feeling utterly foolish. How did I not see it coming?

"Who else then?" I mutter, my voice tinged with frustration. "He must have found something lacking in our relationship that I couldn't provide. Otherwise, why would he cheat?"

"Because he's a stupid jerk," Emily interjects, her anger palpable as she fidgets beside me. She has been seething since I told her the news. I had to hold her back from going over to him.

Brianna reaches out, gently squeezing my hand. "Don't do this to yourself, Maddie. It's not about you; it's about him and his own issues."

Emily nods vigorously in agreement. "Exactly. You deserve so much better than him."

As I sit there, surrounded by my two best friends, I try to absorb their words. "I feel so stupid, you know," I say, running my hands over my bare face. I haven't done anything to my appearance today—I look like death. My reflection in Brianna's mirror confirms it: puffy eyes, blotchy skin, and hair in a tangled mess. Dressed in an oversized hoodie and some shorts, I feel like a complete wreck. "How did I not see it? All those late-night practices and weird study groups."

"Love is blind," Brianna says sadly, her voice full of empathy. Emily sits beside her, nodding in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same pity.

I groan in frustration, the weight of it all crashing down on me. "Can we talk about someone else's love life for a minute?"

Brianna perks up, a spark of curiosity in her eyes. "Well, Em, what's going on with Vinny? I've seen the looks you two are giving each other."

Emily's face lights up, a slight blush creeping into her cheeks. "Yeah, I don't know," she says, casually shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know what he wants, but he's been nothing but nice to me. And my God, he's so hot. Whenever I look at him, I just want to jump his bones. We have been texting back and forward though,"

Brianna laughs softly. "I told you so," she says to Emily, but her eyes shift to me, as if she wants to ask something but doesn't know where to start. "They are definitely not the worst sight to look at."

"And you grew up with them?" Em ask. Brianna nods, and Emily dramatically falls back onto the couch. "Lucky bitch."

Brianna laughs again, but there's a hint of wistfulness in her voice. "Well, not so lucky. Even though I grew up with them, being younger meant they always saw me as another little sister. I've been trying with Dante for the longest time, but he doesn't seem to want to take it beyond casual flirt."

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