Chapter 34 - In the heat of dawn

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May 11, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.



I slowly open my eyes, the bright, golden sunlight streaming directly onto my face through the window, as we had forgotten to pull the curtains closed. I don't know how but I'm lying on Luca's chest, my oversized top slipping off one shoulder, my bare breast pressed against his warm skin. Overnight, I've slid down his body, and his stiff length is now pressing against my leg. Carefully, I shift and peer up at Luca's face. His eyes are closed, his features serene in sleep. He looks so peaceful, so incredibly handsome.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound erupts from the nightstand. Luca sits up so fast I let out a startled squeak. He takes me with him, one arm steadying me around the waist while the other reaches for his phone. In the new position, I slide further down his body, and now his erection is nestled between my legs, pressing against my barely covered core. The sensation is startling, making me feel as if I'm straddling him like a broom.

Both of us stiffen, the phone already pressed to Luca's ear. I try to maneuver into a less compromising position, but the movement only makes his cock rub against me. He groans, and I freeze. Luca's eyes darken with desire as his grip on my waist tightens.

"I'm fine, Dante," he rasps, his voice strained. "I said I'm fucking fine. Why the hell are you calling me?" I remain perfectly still, afraid to move as Luca's expression contorts with a mix of frustration and something else—something primal. "That's in twelve hours. You are bothering me. Leave me alone," he snaps, hanging up and placing the phone back on the nightstand. His gaze locks onto me, and I'm so tense I feel like an ironing board.

With slow, deliberate control, Luca eases back down onto the bed, his muscles flexing with the effort. I stay in a seated position, straddling his hips, my arm instinctively draping across my chest. Now that he's lying down, his erection no longer presses against me, but the memory of the sensation lingers. Gathering my courage, I swing my leg over his hip, my thigh accidentally brushing against his hardness.

"Fuck," Luca growls, his body jerking beneath me. I sit back on my heels, my arm still covering my breasts, and allow myself to look at him. Despite his boxers, it's clear he is far more endowed than William ever was. I had thought William was average to large sized, but clearly, I was mistaken.

"You're going to be the death of me, Maddie," Luca says lowly, his voice a rough whisper.

I feel a flush creeping up my neck and cheeks. "I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice trembling slightly.

Luca's eyes soften, and he reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair from my face. "Don't be," he murmurs. His hand lingers on my cheek, his thumb caressing my skin. "You're perfect."

His words send a shiver down my spine, and I feel a warmth spreading through me. Emboldened, I shift slightly, my thigh brushing against him again. Luca's eyes close, and a groan escapes his lips.

"Do you know what you're doing to me?" he asks, his voice thick with desire.

"I think I have an idea," I reply, my confidence growing.

Luca's eyes open, and they're filled with a smoldering intensity. "Come here," he commands softly, pulling me down so that our bodies are flush against each other. His lips capture mine in a searing kiss, and I lose myself in the sensation, the world around us fading away.

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