Chapter 40 - Caught in tradition

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"Are you almost ready?" Luca's voice resonates from behind me, a soft yet confident timbre that always manages to send a shiver down my spine. He appears in the entrance of the walk-in closet connected to his bedroom, looking effortlessly handsome in his slightly dressed down version of a suit. It's probably the Linen fabric. I turn to face him and catch a glimpse of the closet, now brimming with the clothes we bought together in Rome. It's as if I've already moved in, even though neither of us has broached the subject. I mean, we did not even had the conversation about what we are to each other. I don't want to ask, and Luca doesn't seem to either, so I pretend everything is perfectly normal.

I'm dressed in a yellow and white floral print A-line dress, its sweetheart neckline giving a peak of my cleavage but it's still very proper. I do not want to flash my boobs while meeting his parents and grandfather properly. The delicate straps, adorned with little bows, rest lightly on my shoulders, making me feel cute and feminine. I look over my shoulder and smile at him, warmth spreading through me at the sight of his familiar, reassuring face.

"Yeah, just need to put these on," I reply, holding up the wedge heels. I was initially resistant to the idea of wearing heels, but after meeting Luca's mother and the rest of his stunning family, I knew I had to step up my game. I can't be the hobbit among these Greek gods.

Luca steps closer, his eyes gleaming with admiration. "You look beautiful," he murmurs, his voice low and sincere. My heart flutters at his words, and I can't help but blush. As I slip on the heels, I catch his reflection in the mirror, his gaze never leaving me. There's an intensity in his eyes, a blend of pride and affection that makes me feel cherished.

"Thank you," I whisper, feeling a surge of confidence wash over me. I stand up and smooth out my dress, the fabric soft and cool against my skin. Luca walks up behind me, maintaining eye contact through the mirror. He stops just a few inches away, his chest pressing gently against my back, enveloping me in his warmth. His hands rest on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze before one hand trails over my exposed skin to my collarbone. His fingers brush the simple, yet elegant diamond necklace he gave me, sending a thrill through me.

"I have something for you," he murmurs, his voice a husky whisper in my ear.

"Don't tell me it's another present," I reply, trying to keep my tone light but unable to hide the discomfort in my voice. His constant generosity makes me feel overwhelmed, like I can never fully reciprocate.

Luca moves my hair aside, his breath warm against my neck as he places a trail of kisses from my shoulder to my ear. "We've talked about this," he murmurs, his lips brushing my skin with each word.

I close my eyes, leaning into his touch. "I know, but."

His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. "No but, I just want to make you happy," he says softly.

I open my eyes and meet his gaze in the mirror, seeing the sincerity in his expression. "Alright," I sigh, a small smile tugging at my lips.

Luca's eyes light up with excitement as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box, and holds it out in front of us. With one hand he opens it to reveal a pair of delicate diamond earrings that perfectly match the necklace. "For you," he says simply, his eyes never leaving mine.

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I take in the beautiful gift. "Luca, they're perfect," I whisper, my voice thick with emotion.

He smiles, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Just like you," he whispers back.

"I am about to get my ass whooped," Luca mutters as he check the time on his watch, mostly to himself, as we drive down the long, winding road. We've been on the road for about fifteen minutes, and if I thought Luca's house was secluded, then we have his parents estate where they reside in when they're in Sicily and it is practically in the middle of nowhere.

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