Chapter 25 - Chaos and order

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Luca's pov

"Alright," I mutter to myself as I zip up my suitcase and place it on the ground. I take a long, final look around my bedroom, trying to see if everything is in order. With a quick, decisive clap of my hands, the lights go out, casting the room into darkness.

It's still pitch black outside as I step into the open-plan living room. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the first hints of sunrise are just starting to creep into the sky. Those windows are the main reason I bought this place. I glance at my wrist: 5:11 in the morning. I've only had about two and a half hours of sleep. I simply chose to ignore the fatigue, I head to the open kitchen and start making myself an espresso.

As I wait for the coffee machine to finish, images from last night flash through my mind. Maddie in that little dress, the way it hugged her body perfectly. From her long legs in those 'fuck-me' heels to her perfect, plump ass, her small waist, her modest yet perfectly shaped breasts, those full lips I've fantasized about, and her innocent eyes—Good Lord. Just thinking about her is enough to get me hard.

I should have kept it at innocent flirting. I should have kept my distance, but what can I do when everything about this girl pulls me in. The way she laughs, how her eyes light up when she talks about something she's passionate about, her mouth... God, that mouth. Little Miss Thing has a temper, and it drives me insane when she goes against my wishes, like last night when I sent Dante to bring the girls back. They were drawing far too much attention to themselves with the way they were dancing. I didn't like how she received lustful eyes from the men around her. Her body is for me only, and I do not share.

And, I made that clear to her when I dropped her off, and when I decided to go for the kill. I kissed the hell out of her, and in a world where I am always the predator, I suddenly felt like the prey at her lips. The way she gripped my hair and the taste of her tongue was enough to spur me on. I would have laid her down on the pavement and fucked her right there if I didn't have any class. She is so sexy, and the fact that she doesn't even realize it is the most intriguing thing about her. There's an innocence in her eyes that contrasts starkly with the fire of her temper.

The espresso finishes brewing, its rich aroma filling the air. I take a sip, the bitterness a welcome distraction. Today is going to be a long day, and Maddie is already occupying my mind more than I'd like to admit.

I glance at my watch again and see it's 5:15. Perfectly on time, my phone rings. "Hello?"

"Mr. Castellano, your ride is here."

"I'll be down in a minute." I hang up and place my cup in the sink. The maid will come by later to tidy up for my next visit, which, if it is up to me, would be soon. But right now, it's time for business.

I do a quick scan of the room to make sure I have everything. After zipping up my suitcase, I slip on my suit jacket, grab my messenger bag with my laptop, and turn off all the lights. I lock up, dragging my suitcase behind me as I head to the elevator. The doors ding open, and I step out into the lobby. Two of my bodyguards are already waiting near the entrance. I nod at them as I walk outside to meet Luciano.

"Hello, sir. Can I help you with that?" He takes my suitcase and places it in the trunk.

Frederico stands by, holding the car door open for me. He gives me a stoic nod as I slide into the back seat. Once I'm settled, he closes the door and joins Luciano in the front. Luciano starts the car, and we drive off into the morning traffic of London, heading towards Heathrow.

"We are heading to New York, correct, sir?" Frederico asks, reviewing the briefing for the flight. Our security team always conducts a thorough risk analysis and prepares a timetable for the day. It's a necessary precaution in our line of work.

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