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"I'll give you a hundred bucks if you can sleep with her by the end of senior year." My buddy Patrick says smirking at me.

"No way, Taylor is a nerd." I say laughing with all my friends.

"Aww what's wrong big guy? Scared you gonna fall in love with the weird girl?" He says.

"Fine, let's shake on it." I say reaching out my hand as our group ooo's and ahh's.

Me and Patrick shake hands as the bell rings. I grab my backpack and begin making my way to U.S. History.

I sit back in my usual seat in the corner of the class.

I cross my arms and put my headphones in as I watch the class full up with my peers.

Then, she walks in. Taylor and Abigail, the two inseparable people on this universe.

They walk in with linked arms and laughing about something they said. Taylor takes her seat in front of me and Abigail across the class room, the teacher had to separate them for talking to much.

I'd be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful. And I don't really understand why people call her the weird girl, we've been going to school together since kindergarten but have spoken only a handful of times.

"Kelce!" I hear and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say straightening up and looking at the teacher who just so happen to also be my football coach.

"Headphones. out." He says sternly.

I rip them out my the bottom of the cord and shove them in my backpack.

"Oh you're gonna have fun today running laps with that attitude." Coach says turning around and begin writing on the white board.

Some of the class turns around and laughs at me. Including Taylor. I look at her and smile and shake my head while beginning to copy down the notes.

I glance up and see her cheeks flushing red. I had a whole school year to get her to fall in love with me.

Boy was this gonna be easy.

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