-Thirty three-

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I go to reach my hands up to brush all the loose hair out of my face but I'm blocked by a different set of hands that are holding onto mine.

I smile when I realize the situation I'm in, Travis is cuddled into me from behind, spooning me. I shouldn't be doing this, I really shouldn't but god it feels so good to have him back. And I would do anything to keep him forever.

I manage to untangle myself from his grip without waking him, I walk into the bathroom and see our clothes still scattered across the cold tile floor.

I smile and rub my eyes as all the memories come rushing back, replaying in my mind. I bend down and start gathering the mess we made.

As I'm reaching down to grab Travis's shirt I feel something bump into me from behind and grab ahold of my waist.

"Oh shit!" I scream and jump, quickly whipping my head around to look at him.

"Don't do that you asshole! You scared me." I say pushing myself away from him and storming off into the closet to throw our things in the hamper.

"It's nice to see you still not a morning person." Travis says, following loosely behind me. I roll my eyes and brush past him, walking over to the sink and grabbing my toothbrush.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna brush your teeth with me man?" I say after squeezing a drop of toothpaste onto the bristles, still holding the tube out so I can put some on Travis's toothbrush for him.

He pushes away from the doorframe and grabs his toothbrush, letting me put a dollop of the minty paste on his toothbrush.

He both get ready for our days semi together, Travis giving me a few to get my mood back up to cheery Taylor.

"Why don't we go out for dinner tonight, it'll be our first date." Travis says, walking into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped lowly around his waist.

I let my eyes glide up from the natural bulge between his legs and up his chiseled torso, beads of water slowly falling down his body as he walks.

"Lovey?" I hear Travis say again. I let go of my bite I had on my lip and looked back up at his eyes.

"Hm? Oh yeah dinner let's go, it'll be our second first date." I say laying down flat on the bed. Determined to not let Travis's beautiful god made body ruin my brain today.

"Okay, I'll be home at like five so should we leave around six?" He asks me, walking over to the bed and taking a stance between my slightly spread legs. Planting his hands on my hips and tugging me a bit closer to him so he had better reach to touch me. I flip over in his hold so I'm laying on my stomach, trying to hide the scarlet color my body has decided to turn.

"That sounds perfect, now would you please go get dressed so I can use my brain correctly." I say giggling while covering my face in embarrassment.

"Can't get enough of El Travador huh?" He says slapping my ass before going off to get dressed.

I was gonna say something back but decided to just leave it at that. If you would have told me a month ago that I would be in this predicament with my high school sweetheart when i still have a fiancée... I would genuinely flip out and punch you in the face.

But I'm happy, I'm happy with the person that makes me feel so joyful and I'm leaving the person who sucks all the joy out of me. I just wish maybe that these two things could have been spread out a little, because this officially makes me a cheater.

I roll out of bed and make my way downstairs, and into the kitchen. Raiding the pantry and fridge to see what I can make before Travis has to leave. If I'm being so honest, I have no idea what he does all day since he's a football player I just assume football but I know he doesn't do football all day every day.

I find some things to make French toast which I finish in about 15 minutes, perfect timing since Travis just walked in.

"You beat me to it, I was going to cook for you." Travis whines as he walks up behind me, overlooking everything I've made.

"Looks amazing though." He says gently moving all my hair to one side so he can find a spot on my neck to kiss.

Something I've always wanted with Joe was physical touch, physical affection is my love language but Joe doesn't really liked to be touched unless it leads to sex, but with Travis if we're together we're always touching in some way, weather it's just holding hands or hugging or kissing, it's always touching and I love it.

"Mm I love you." Travis murmurs against my skin between kisses.

"So you've said." I giggle as I finish buttering our breakfast.

"I love you too." I say reaching up my now free hand to rub the back of his neck as he sways us slowly from side to side. I plate up our food as Travis not so sneakily sucks hickeys on the base of my neck.

We eat our breakfast at the island stools as we eat and just talk about the plans for the day, Travis has a couple meeting he needs to go to and I don't have anything to do today so I'm just gonna hang around till he gets home and we get to go to dinner.

"Okay I've gotta go now but I'll see you later tonight for our date," he kisses me "and I'll text you when I'm leaving the office so you know when to get ready." He says kissing me once more before walking out the front door.

I stand in the open doorway until I can't see his car anymore. Then I take a step back and shut the door behind me.

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