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I think I can find time in my
schedule for you. 😉

I hit send and practically throw my phone across the room, jumping with joy. The boy I've been crushing on for months has officially asked me out, and about damn time. He's been playing with me for months now.

I run back over and plug my phone into my nightstand. I run out of my room and down the stairs to meet my mom in the living room.

"Mom." I say skipping over to her and leaning over the back of the couch.

"Yes sweetheart?" Mom says, not looking up from her book.

"Can I go out with a friend tomorrow night?" I say.

She looks straight forward then turns to look at me. She stares for a second before taking off her glasses.

"And who is this friend?" She says, clearly holding back a smile.

"My friend, Travis." I say putting emphasis on the word friend.

"I suppose so, just keep your location on and don't tell your father." She says sighing and turning back to her book.

I squeal and kiss her on the cheek and run back up the stairs.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say while almost tripping up the stairs.

I go back to my room and slam the door on accident.

"My god Teffy! Shut the hell up!" Austin shouts from the room next to mine.

"Ur just jealous of my happiness!" I yell back before my dad yells at both of us to shut up.

I lay back on my bed, smiling up at the ceiling when I feel a strange feeling in my belly.

I guess I'm just coming down with a cold or something.. but it doesn't feel like a sickness.

I use my hand to massage my lower belly, feeling the slightest bit of pleasure. I bite my lip and move my hand a little lower, feeling a very good feeling.

I lick my lips and slowly get up off my bed, walking over to my door and turning the lock. I turn around and make sure the curtains are shut before walking over to my bed and laying down underneath the blankets.

I hook my fingers around the waistband of my leggings and slide them down my legs, throwing them onto the floor.

I spread my legs apart as my hand drifts ever so slightly down my lower belly before I'm met with the cotton of my underwear.

I take my middle finger and press it against my clit through my panties.

I swallow the lump in my throat and breathe deep. I've never touched myself before, I've never really had these feelings. These urges to please myself.

I slide my panties down and let them rest around my ankles.

I glance around my room and pull the blankets a little higher, just under my breasts.

I let my hand explore myself for a second before taking my middle finger and pushing it into my core.

I gasp and shut my eyes, it doesn't hurt, it kinda feels weird but gosh it feels so good.

A picture of Travis pops into my head, his hand to be specific. This man had the most amazing body from what I could see, he didn't usually wear shirt sleeved shirts but when he did, he was total eye candy. Anyone could tell he worked out a lot. He was so strong, his biceps filled out his sleeves nicely and the veins running down through his forearms were hypnotizing. Whenever he went to grab something or typed for a while, they would pop. His hands were so big and rough, so veiny and thick.

I slide another finger into my self and begin moving them in and out slowly. I can only imagine Travis's hand doing what I am at the moment, the size of my two fingers was probably about the size of one of his.

I let my other hand apply pressure to my clit, rubbing it in circles. Pleasure waves crashing over me repeatedly.

I whimper a quiet moan and can imagine Travis's voice telling me to keep going, and I'm doing so well.

I spread my legs even wider as I picture Travis in between my thighs. I open my mouth at the thought, trying my best to stay silent.

I slide yet another finger into me which is a little painful but the pain is worth the pleasure, and this time it's not his fingers I imagine inside me. I picture his hips slowly getting closer to mine as he slides himself into my core. God if his hands told me anything I just knew his dick was big.

I thrust my fingers in and out as quickly as I can as my other hand rubs quicker circles on my clit.

"Mm Travis." I groan out and it's my own voice that snaps me back into reality. There's nothing I can do as my stomach clenches and my walls close harder around my fingers.

I pull my hand out from between my legs and see the glistening liquid dripping down my wrist.

I get up, making sure my dirty hand touches nothing. I turn on my bathroom sink and run my hand under the hot water. I glance up in the mirror, my gaze drifts over my tousled hair and red cheeks, my chest rapidly moving and my legs shaking ever so slightly.

I can't be thinking of Travis Kelce while touching myself? That's absurd. But oh my gosh that was incredible. But I hadn't even kissed him yet, let alone had sex with him, I actually haven't had sex with anyone. It just never felt right and my past boyfriends were just wanting to fuck a week into dating.

Maybe Travis would be the one.

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