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Me and Travis have been dating for about three weeks now and we've gone kinda public at school. If anyone asks us we tell them we're dating obviously but we're not going out and shouting it in the halls.

But other than that things have been amazing, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Travis is the best thing that's ever been mine.

I'm sleeping over at his house again tonight, ever since I found out been he's home alone for the last couple of years I've made it my mission to come over at least three times a week and cook him dinner or just have a cute date night together. And I know Travis liked having me over, at least I hoped. The little sparkle in his eye didn't leave much doubt to me though.

Right now I'm packing my tote bag to go over to his place for the weekend. I'm really glad my mom let me go over because I know it's Travis's birthday on Saturday. He's never told me anything about his birthday but I'm gonna make it special for him.

"Teffy where's the re— EUGH!" my little brother Austin opens my door then quickly slams it shut when he sees me trying on my skimpy little lace bra.

"The remote is under the coffee table." I say loud enough for him to hear on the other side of the door.

I look back at myself in the mirror and giggle a little bit. I decide to wear the bra, if me and travis end up doing anything then it's a good thing to have on and it's better to be safe then sorry. Not that I'm gonna try anything with him, just if it kinda happens.. I won't stop it. Because I think that I'm ready, I'm ready to get felt up and have sex. Especially with Travis. He's made me feel ready.

I slip on a college football shirt I got a long time ago and some sport shorts. I straightened my hair today so I decided to put it back into a mid ponytail. I slip on my shoes and sling my bag over my shoulder, then I pay down my pockets to make sure I'm not missing anything and walk downstairs.

"Bye guys, love you. See you on Monday." I say and wave to my family that's all joined on the couch.

"Bye Tay, tell Trav we said hi." My dad says as I walk out the door.

Last week i convinced my dad to let me introduce him to Travis over dinner and I can confidently say it went amazing. My dad loves Travis now and it warms my heart to see.

I drive my way to Travis's house and pull into his driveway. I texted him before I left and he said to just walk in, it feels a little weird but really it's just him that's home.

"Mr Kelceee!" I sing out as I walk in and shut the front door behind me.

"Madam Swift!" Travis terribly sings back to me from what sounds like the living room.

I kick off my Birkenstocks by the door and follow the sound of his voice.

I drop my bag on the table and walk over to the back of the couch, behind Travis. I put one hand on his chest, taking the other to tilt his head up so I can kiss him.

"Mm I missed you." Travis mumbles between kisses. I pull away to laugh, taking that turn to walk around the couch and crawl into his lap.

"You literally saw me four hours ago at school." I say.

"Um yeah. And that was a whole four hours without you." He says and grabs my face in his hands. Peppering kisses all over my cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips.

"Your cute." I say as he kisses my face.

"Thanks. You're pretty cute too." He says and nuzzles his face into my neck.

"And cuddly, is everything okay?" I rub the back of his neck. He lifts his head and looks at me, with sad eyes that just make my heart shred into a million pieces.

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