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"Bye baby, I'll see you soon." I lean down and kiss Taylor's cheek before we part ways for class.

"Kelce!" I hear a familiar voice boom down the hallway.

"Aw fuck." I rub my face and keep walking.

"Travis have you slept with that bitch yet? Being nice to her wasn't part of the deal." Patrick claps my back as we walk to class. If I'm being honest Pat is a terrible person. No idea why I'm friends with him. But I'm definitely not telling him me and Taylor already had sex, we did it for the first time 3 weeks ago and now we've been going at it whenever we get the chance. I've gotten to know what Taylor likes and doesn't like.

"I don't see how that's any of your business man." I fake smile at him.

"Whatever man, all I'm saying is that as soon as you tap that then you get to be free from that skank." He says and it takes everything in me to not beat the living crap out of him for talking about the women I love like that.

"Yeah." I mumble and walk into the classroom.

The only thing getting me through this class is the fact that I'll get to see Taylor after. After about a million years the bell rings and I stand up, not waiting for my friend.

I see taylor standing at her locker, facing away from me. "Hey love." I grab her waist with one hand and kiss the back of her head as I walk up to her.

"Oh you scared me!" Taylor quickly turns around to look at me.

"You know maybe we can sneak out and leave early, I really want to go home." Taylor whines as she wraps her arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest.

"We could. Just have the rest of the day to ourselves." I use my free hand to rub her back.

"You want to?" She pulls back and looks up at me.

"Let's go." I say and she puts her books back into her locker and slams it shut.

He intertwine our hands and walk down the hallway, quickly snaking out the back doors to the parking lot.

"Okay wait wait." Taylor quietly giggles as he hunch down onto the ground, waiting for the outdoor security to pass by.

"Go go go!" She whispers as we book it out to my car. We're not being super sneaky, well Taylor's not being very sneaky, she's giggling pretty loudly the whole time we're running.

We get into the truck and I waste no time pulling out of the parking lot, I look in the rear view mirror and see Ted, the schools most hated and strict security guard chasing after us on his little golf cart.

"Where do you want to go babygirl?" I look over at Taylor as I reach the intersection.

"Somewhere we can be aloneee." She says and puts her hand on the console, I take the hint to hold on her hand.

"So my place, got it." I laugh and hit my blinker. I take our conjoined hands and lift them up to my mouth, peppering light kisses over her knuckles.

"I love you." I whisper between kisses.

"Hm I love you too." Taylor says and she kicks her shoes off, bringing her knees up to her chest and curling up against the seat, using my hand as a pillow.

We get into my house and immediately head up to my bedroom. Taylor waits till I drop my things, then wraps her arms around my neck, looking up at me very cutely.

"Hey pretty," I bend down and kiss her. "Wanna try something new?" I ask her.

"Like what?" She smirks.

"Shower sex?" I kiss her forehead.

"What if we slip?" She says.

"Then it's a really funny story." I laugh and she looks at me with so much love in her eyes. I have no idea what I did to deserve this girl. Cause I don't, I've been lying to her.

"Let's go pretty boy." She grabs my hand and leads me into my bathroom.

We quickly shed our clothes while the water warms up and once Taylor is completely naked I come at her and pick her up, she laughs and wraps her legs around my waist as I step into the shower and close the door.

"You're special." She says against my lips as I push her back to the wall kiss her.

"Your specialer." I say.

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