-Thirty two-

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"I think we got everything into the right places." Travis says, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I lay my hands on top of his and turn my neck to give him a light kiss.

"I love everything, and I love you." I mumble against his lips before kissing him again.

"You wanna go hop in the shower?" He whispers in my ear, kissing the roots of my hair.

"Subtle way of telling me I stink?" I giggle.

"Maybe." He says and I elbow his abdomen. "Hey!" He attempts to dodge my attack but fails.

"Let's go missy." He lifts me up from behind and turns me around to get bent over his shoulder. He runs up the carpeted stairs. And into the bedroom we can officially call ours.

He throws me down onto the bed, kissing my forehead before walking into the connected bathroom.

"I personally think you're wearing far too much clothes right now!" He says and I can hear the shower water begin to run.

"We all have our opinions!" I yell back, seeing where this road might take me, well I mean we all know where any road is gonna end up if we're gonna take a shower together but will it be the hard, rough road or the soft, loving road.

"Oh you wanna be like that." Travis says surprising me when he walks in and picks me up again.

He puts me down onto the cool marble counter and lifts the hem of my shirt up.

"Lift up your arms lovey." He says, looking down at my barely covered chest.

I raise my arms above my head while looking directly in the eyes, waiting for him to look back at me. He peels my top over my head, quickly ducking his head to kiss my chest. I lightly place my hand on the back of his head, encouraging him to keep going.

He reaches around and smoothly unhooks my bra, carefully taking the straps off of my shoulders and sliding them down my arms without taking his mouth off my chest.

"I missed you." I say breathlessly as I lean my head back against the mirror.

"I missed you too." He says removing his mouth from my breasts and replacing it with his hand, using it to rub my stiffened nipple between his pointer and thumb.

I lift up my legs and wrap them highly around his hips, trying to convince him to take off my pants and just fuck me already.

"Please." I breathe out against his neck before leaving a wet kiss there.

"Mm someone's impatient." He whispers, slowly trailing his hands down my body but still not fast enough for my liking.

"I haven't been fucked good since our last time so excuse me." I say pushing his hands down further to the button of my pants.

"You're telling me that I'm the only good dick you've ever had?" He says unbuttoning my jeans.

"Yes." I say, letting his yank my bottoms onto the floor along with my painties. I wish I could say I was prepared and was wearing a super sexy lingerie set but I wasn't, I actually think Travis has taken this exact underwear set off of me before...

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He says grabbing my wrists, pinning them against the counter and kissing my stomach.

"Just fuck me already!" I say trying to pull my hands away from his tight grip.

He sheds his pants, not even bothering to take off his boxers, just fishing his hard cock out and lining up with me.

"Ready?" He questioned before edging into me, not waiting for a response, more of a statement than a question.

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