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"Haha Abby you're soooo funny." I glare at my best friend. She giggles and does a little dramatic hair flip.

"Thanks." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Taylor." I hear a deeper voice behind me.

I look up at Abby then turn around and see one of my boyfriend's friends standing there. Patrick I think it was.

"Hey." I say and turn my head back to see Abby quickly getting up and scurrying away.

Patrick moves to sit down across from me, the whole time I'm really confused on what he wants from me.

"So there's something I need to tell you." He says crossing his arms.

"Okay...?" I say curiously.

"So at the very beginning of the year, me and Travis made a bet. A bet that he would sleep with you for a hundred dollars and I don't know if he's slept with you yet but I just wanna tell you so you don't get attached. But yeah, sorry bout that." Patrick says and pats my shoulder, walking away. Leaving me guessing everything.

Tears immediately begin welling up in my eyes. I need to get out of here now.

I stand up and grab my bag as I begin speed walking out of the cafeteria. It was the end of the day and Travis had a football banquet so we weren't hanging out today.

I fumble my phone while trying to locate my mom's contact.

I get in my car and burst out into tears, pressing the Bluetooth button and calling my mom.

"Hey T." My mom says cheerfully as she picks up the phone.

"Mom I need you." I sob, speeding out of the main town and down the country roads.

"Baby what happened? Talk to me." Her happy voice clearly faded.

"It was a lie momma, he made a bet to sleep with me, and I fell for it. I'm so stupid mom, I loved him." I sob loudly in my car.

"Oh T, come home, I'll be waiting for you. It's not your fault sweetheart. You didn't know, you're not stupid." My mom says as I cry gut wrenching sobs.

I pull into the driveway and jump out of my car, only grabbing my phone then running into my house to find my mom on the couch.

"Mom.." my eyes start to water again as I jump into her waiting arms.

"Oh I know honey, it's gonna be alright." I hear my mom say as I burry my face in her stomach.

"Austin go." I hear her whisper a few seconds later as she strokes my hair.

Then another few seconds later I feel the hand of my little brother land on my back. Then he lays down on my back, hugging me. Now sandwiching me between him and my mom.

This was helping, ever since I was little pressure had always help me calm down, a tight hug, a little squeeze.

"I don't want to see him ever ever again." I mumble between cry's.

"You don't have to Teffy, don't go to school tomorrow, I can stay home too and we can watch movies." I hear my little brother say. Us as siblings obviously fought a lot, but every once in a while we got along, especially when all we needed was our family.

After half an hour still no one dared to move, even when the front door slammed shut, signaling my dad was home.

I hear footsteps approaching us then the couch dips down beside my mother and my dad grabs my hand in both of his. Holding it tight as we all had a bonding moment over their daughter/sister getting her heart ripped to shreds over a stupid boy.

"I'm never seeing him again."

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