-Twenty five-

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I walk over to my closet and pull out my suitcase. Coach didn't tell me how long I was gonna be in Kansas so I'm not sure what and how much to pack.

I settle on packing enough for a week, just incase and if I needed to be there longer I could just wash my clothes.

Oh shit. Taylor. I'm supposed to see her tomorrow, and god I want to see her tomorrow so bad. But, work calls.

So I'm going to call Taylor and see if maybe we can reschedule or lunch date. Day. Lunch day.

I grab my phone and press call on her contact. The phone rings once, twice, three times before going to voicemail.

"Hey! You've reached Taylor, if you leave a message I will listen and call you back!" I hear her little voice through the automated message.

"Hey Taylor, I just got a call from my coach. I need to be in Kansas City tomorrow so I won't make it to the cafe. Call me back if you would be down to reschedule but if it's too much of a hassle then you can totally ghost me, but I hope you don't. Talk to you maybe later." I press end after rambling on, a part of me hoped that Taylor would be there to cut me off like she used to when I got to into my head when talking but she wasn't.

I drop my phone onto my bed and start folding all my clothes into my suitcase, going a bit sadder and slower than before.

I finish and load everything into my car, shutting the back and going around to the front. I get into the drivers seat and pull down the driveway.

I drive in dark silence most of the way to the airport before I'm scared out of my mind when my phone dings, meaning someone has texted me.

I press the Bluetooth button on my car to read the message aloud.

"Voice message from Taylor" my Siri reads out, pausing before playing the message from Taylor.

"I would have called you back but I'm like 99% sure your either driving to the airport or already on the plane so I'm just gonna do this instead, and I'm not gonna ghost you Trav, it's been to long without you. Text me whenever you get back so we can set something up, I'm looking forward to seeing you without thousands of other people around us. Good luck with your coach situation. Talk to you for sure later" Taylor giggles into the phone. Her voice just as angelic as it's always been.

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