-Thirty six-

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"Taylor." I hear Travis say from behind me. My heart drops, my hand which is holding the mug full of hot coffee freezes. He knows. He has to know otherwise why would he be calling me Taylor? He hasn't called me by my name since we met again.

"Yes baby?" I say. Okay, it's okay. Maybe he doesn't know.

"Is there anything you want to tell me." He says in a stern tone, causing me to turn around.

"What do you mean." I say, crossing my legs.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you didn't end things with your fiancée." He says without a single drop of emotion in his face. But his eyes. He looks so hurt and betrayed.

"Travis I—" I begin to say but he cuts me off.

"Taylor there's no excuses to use this time. You told him you went to LA for a music thing. Do you not want to be with me?" He says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"No I do! I really do." I say feeling my heart to begin hurting. I let out a chocked sob, attempting to reach out for him but he takes a step back.

"Taylor. I don't know if I can be with you if you're just gonna lie to me. You don't wanna hurt Joe since you still love him. I just wish you would have said something earlier so I didn't have to go through this with you a second time." He says, turning around without letting talk.

"Travis wait baby." I call out but he just walks away. I'm completely frozen into my spot, unable to move. I can't believe my stupid decision just cost me the love of my life.

I jump off the chair, going after him but my foot gets caught in the bottom and I slam down onto the hard wood floor.

"Aghh fuck!" I cry out, grabbing onto my ankle. I gasp out breathes, half crying over the shooting pain in my leg, half sobbing about Travis.

I guess I cried for so long that I fell asleep cause when I woke up everything was dark, but I was in bed. Maybe it was just a dream? I roll over to find Travis's side of the bed completely empty. I reach out a hand a feel the cold sheets. He hasn't been here for a while if at all.

I turn around and flick the lamp on, scanning the room for any sort of life other than my own. My eyes land on a bright pink piece of paper with some writing scribbled on it.

I pick it up with a smile, but quickly dropping it after beginning reading it.

Dear Lovey,

I know we've had our highs and lows in our relationship over the years but I don't know if we can get through this low. I love you with all my heart and you're the only thing on my mind, but I'm not the only one on yours. I can't do this anymore, I'm at the age where I need to be my significant others first priority. I understand I asked you to do a lot by leaving Joe. I thought you had it in you to leave him but turns out you didn't. I know I can't blame you for this. The second you need a place to be you can come here, or stay here. The house is yours if you want it. Lovey I don't really care but by the time you've read this I'm already on the plane to Kansas City, where I'm gonna be until I retire from football. Call me or come to me if you leave the man that was never good enough for you, I'll always be waiting for you lovey. Always. Don't text or call me. Dont make this harder than it has to be. I love you forever.


I raise a hand to cover my mouth and silence my gut wrenching sobs. I can't believe he left me. He actually left me. And it was all my fault. If only I had heard him out four years ago, we wouldn't have be here. We'd have our happily ever after.

All I wanted was to just be able to be with Travis freely, without hurting Joe. I was planning on telling Joe soon. Fuck. If only I had the balls to just tell him to go fuck himself then I wouldn't have to be here.

I bring my knees up to my chest and fall over onto Travis's side of our bed. Or I guess my bed now...

The end

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