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I wake up with the pretty annoying, yet nostalgic sound of birds singing in the early morning.

I open my eyes and see the pretty blonde I'm holding against me. I burry my face in her hair and take a deep breath. We went to a new place last night. Not sex but still very new territory. Taylor told me it would be her first time so I didn't want to do it on the couch on a random night. I want her to feel special. Have a first time story that sounds fake and unbelievable.

I extract myself from her and get up, I stretch my legs out and bend down to kiss her forehead before leaving the room.

Today's my birthday. A couple months ago my only wish would have been to have my whole family together, just for one day but now all I wanted was to spend as much time with my girlfriend as possible. Now that I'm thinking about it, I never told Taylor it was my birthday.

I was gonna make something for breakfast but I decided to just order UberEats instead. I place the order and go back upstairs to find Taylor still sleeping.

I walk over and open the curtains so the morning light can shine through the windows.

I hear a small groan in complaint so I turn around and see Taylor rolling over to cover her face with the pillow.

"Hey pretty." I whisper as I crawl on the bed and lay down on top of her.

"Oh you're heavy." She giggles and wraps one of her legs around me. I take the pillow off her face and hit her with it before throwing it across the room.

"What does the birthday boy want to do today?" She asks, rubbing her nails up and down my back.

"This." I mumble, moving my arms around her waist.

"You just want to stay here in bed all day?" She says and I nod.

"Stay here in bed with you." I say and look up at her. She pouts out her bottom lip and tilts her head to the side.

"You're so adorable." She says and hugs me tighter than before. "You know you act all tough guy in public but then you're just a big teddy bear when you alone." She says and laughs.

"Only with you."

"Well unfortunately we can't stay here all day, I planned for us to go down to the park and walk around, then have a little picnic by the river." She says, kissing the top of my head.

"That sounds perfect baby." I lean up and kiss her. "I ordered us breakfast, it should be here soon but until it gets here we're not moving." I say and move myself up a bit, so our faces can be closer.

I suddenly flip us over so she's on top of me and I reach down and pull the blankets back over us.

Taylor cuddles into my chest and I shut my eyes, soaking in the moment with my beautiful girlfriend. Anytime I'm with her I just feel guilty knowing that it all started with a bet. Is that why I started talking to her? Yes. Is that why I'm hopelessly in love with her? No, that was all Taylor's doing. Making me want her so bad I feel like I'm dying without her.

"Trav you're holding me too tight." I hear Taylor squeak.

"Oh sorry princess." I say and relax my arms a little. Even the thought of her finding out makes my skin crawl. I never want to hurt her. I just need to make sure she never finds out. Because I truly do love her. She's not ready to hear it but I do. I don't even need to think about it.

A couple minutes later the doorbell rings and we get up and head downstairs to eat our breakfast. Taylors angelic laughs echoing the kitchen sending me into a trance.

"Kay so you need to get dressed, think family beach photos." Taylor says, throwing away all our trash.

"So white?" I say and look over at here.

"Yep!" She giggles and throws her arms around my neck.

"Okay pretty. Then do you want to head over to your place real quick to get something white? So we can match?" I ask her, rubbing her sides gently.

"Yes sir." She nods. "Now go! Go get dressed." She pushes me towards the stairs.

"Should probably put some pants on babygirl!" I smack her ass then walk up the stairs.

I get dressed, taking Taylor's style hint to the best of my ability's. I rub back down the stairs and find Taylor on the couch, scrolling on her phone.

"Oh you look good." She says and gets up. I do a little twirl and a hair flip with my invisible hair.

"Oh yes queen." I say and snap my finger at her.

"Funny man." She says and puts her shoes on. We drive over to her house and I stay in the car while she runs in and gets changed really quick.

I look up and see her skipping down the driveway in a beautiful thigh length white sundress. She pulled the front pieces of her hair back into a little clip, letting the natural waves of her hair cascade down her shoulders. She's wearing the same white Birkenstock sandals as before and put on some gold earrings and necklaces.

She opens the car door and gets in with a cheery smile.

"Excited?" I ask her and she nods. Then she grabs my phone and moves it to unlock it with my Face ID. She then puts in the instructions to the park we're going to, which Bluetooth to my truck screen automatically.

"Cute wallpaper." She says as I quickly glance over at her.

"Oh yeah, do you know that girl? I think she's pretty cute, maybe I could get her number." I say and she giggles.

"I think she already has a pretty handsome boyfriend." She says as i reach over and hold her hand.

My wallpaper is a picture of me and her, her sitting on my lap, us both roasting a marshmallow. I'm looking at her and smiling as she looks at the glowing fire pit, laughing.

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