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Schools been going on a couple of weeks now, so far I'm enjoying all my classes and teachers. Except for my History teacher, he's kind of a douche.

"Taylor." I hear a loud whisper coming from behind me.

I turn around and see Travis leaning forward on his desk, looking at me.

"What?" I say taking a quick glance back at Mr. Shepherd.

"I don't understand any of this." He says gesturing to the worksheet the teacher had given us.

"Mr. Shepherd said this is silent work only, otherwise I would help you Travis." I say and Travis taps his pencil against the desk before his arm shoots up.

"Yes Kelce?" Mr. Shepherd says, looking up at Travis from his desk.

"Can i help Taylor, she doesn't understand." Travis says and my eyebrows furrow at his question.

Mr. Shepherd sighs before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"You two can go work in the hall. Don't be too loud." Mr. Shepherd says.

"Thank you coach." Travis says and grabs his paper, standing up.

I stay seated and just look at him as he walks over to the door.

"Are you coming?" He says before opening the door.

"Yeah." I whisper, scrambling to grab my things and head outside to the work tables.

I sit down across from him and begin teaching him all the things on the worksheet that he didn't understand.

"Okay I got it." Travis says going to write an answer on number 13.

He turns his paper to me and I read what he wrote.

"Yeah that's right." I say smiling and he returns a smile back.

"Okay." He says still looking at me.

I press my lips together and look back down at the paper. We both silently work, only speaking up when he needs help or has a question.

"Hey, you two need to come back in, bell is gonna ring soon." Mr. Shepherd says from across the hall.

We both nod and grab our things and head back inside. As I'm walking back to my seat I feel a hand brush my hips, I turn around and see Abigail staring at me wide eyed.

I hush her and keep walking. Eventually the bell rings and I immediately walk over to Abigail.

"Um so what the hell was that?" She says packing her things up.

"I don't know, he asked me for help and I said the teacher was gonna yell at us for talking and he raised his hand and said I needed help so then we could go out in the hall." I quietly rant.

"And what happened in the hall." Abby says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing! I only helped him with the worksheet." I say going a bit red in the face.

She stands up and looks behind me, then meets my eyes again and raises her eyebrows, turning around and walking away.

I turn around and see Travis walking towards me.

"Thank you for helping me Taylor." He says stopping a few feet in front of me.

"Yeah it's no problem." I say, switching standing positions.

The room falls silent for a few seconds before we both break out into another smile.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Travis says looking down at his feet. And I nod my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say and spin on my heel, leaving the room and meeting Abby in the hallway.

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