-Thirty one-

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"Tay you're being quiet." I say reaching over to rub her thigh.

"I'm good, just thinking." She says, looking out the window.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask her, trying to be respectful so if she doesn't want to tell me she doesn't have to.

"Are we dating now? Or just like, I don't know." She says, taking a hand up to cover her mouth but still not looking at me.

"I just stole you from your fiancée, you better believe we're dating Taylor. You're mine and I'm yours, forever and always." I say boldly.

"I love you." She whispers in a giggly tone.

"What was that lovey?" I say, knowing damn well what she said. I've missed out on hearing those words for 4 years and I'm planning on making her make it up to me. Vice versa.

"I love you!" She shouts at me and I look over at her smiling like a fuckin idiot.

"I love you too." I say in a normal voice.

"What was that lovey?" She says, cocking her head at me with a smirk.

"You're such an idiot." I laugh at her.

"Sorry I couldn't quite hear that." She says squinting her eyes at me.

"I love you too!" I shout, shaking my head at her.

"You my favorite idiot though." I look over and lean in to give her a quick kiss, She pecks my lips before pushing me back to the drivers area.

"You gotta keep your eyes on the road, I just got you back and I don't want to lose you again." Taylor says and I swear I heard a little voice crack in the end of her sentence.

"You're never gonna lose me again lovey." I say, reaching over to hold onto her hand.

"Ok what is it with lovey?" She asks me, squeezing my hand twice.

"I don't know, i just keep calling you it out of habit which is odd since I've never called you that before." I say, turning onto my street.

"Well don't stop. I think it's really cute." She says, nuzzling her chin against our hands.

"I think you're really cute." I say.

"Oh buddy that was cheesy." She giggles as I pull into my driveway.

"Buddy can't be my nickname." I say with a frown.

"Get some better pick up lines and it won't be." She says slyly, then getting out of my truck.

"Funny girl!" I say just before she shuts the door.

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