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We stumble up the stairs and into his bedroom, Travis kicks the door shut then walks over and throws me onto the bed, quickly climbing on top of me.

"Baby are you completely sure you want to do this." Travis pins my arms above my head so I can't try any funny business.

"I am completely sure that I want to have sex with you Travis." I say hoping that was enough for him to not ask me three more times.

He smiles and takes off his shirt as I slide the straps of my dress off. Thank everything in this universe I decided to change into a light pink bra and pantie set when I ran inside my house to get changed for the date.

Travis then takes the rest of my dress and peels it off over my head. I reach down and undo his belt buckle, pulling his belt out of all the loops and throw it onto the floor.

"Talented." Travis whispers against the skin of my chest.

"I know you want this to be special but you're driving me crazy Trav. Please." I beg, the warm slick between my legs starting to get uncomfortable.

Travis nods his head and pulls his pants and boxers down. Completely revealing himself to me. I know I technically saw him completely naked last night, in fact we literally showered together but that wasn't with the intention that he was gonna be inside me. Plus I don't even think he can fit inside me.

I pull down my underwear and let them meet Travis's discarded clothing on the floor. Travis goes back down and kisses me. I can tell that kisses make him feel less scared. I think it's pretty cute how determined he is to make sure this is perfect for me. It's making him more nervous than me.

Travis then reaches a hand down and hold onto my thigh, moving it to hook around his hips.

"Mm I love you." I remind Travis.

"I love you too." He says and kisses me deeply once more before taking one hand and holding mine. A couple seconds later he takes his other hand and wraps it around the base of his dick.

He squeezes my hand twice and I take a deep breath. Then I feel his tip slowly slipping into my folds.

I silently gasp and pull Travis back down for a kiss, realizing that kissing also makes me less scared. He then puts a little more strength to enter me. He only fully enters the tip of him before pausing.

"You okay?" He kisses my cheeks.

"I'm so okay, it just feels weird. Good weird." I huff out.

"Do you want me to keep going?" He moves down to kiss my neck.

"Yes." I whisper into his ear.

He continues pushing into me, every inch reaching a new spot I didn't know existed. I groan and moan every few seconds, not being able to keep it in. Travis stretches me, it hurts but the pleasure replaces it.

I give him the go ahead to start moving in and out and that he does. Sex isn't anything like I thought it would be. I don't even know what I thought it would be. I have no thoughts right now, just Travis.

We fall into a steady rhythm, not moving too fast but not going super slow. And it feels amazing. Almost the best feeling I've ever felt. The best being my love for Travis of course.

I breathe out, "you know, the first time I ever touched myself— Oh god! Was um— Travis! I was thinking of you!" I had to take breaths and scream in between words.

"We're talking more about that later sweet girl." Travis reaches around and unhooks my bra. I giggle and let him shimmy the straps off my shoulders.

He throws it across the room, it taking a landing on the lamp by his TV. I laugh again which is quickly replaced with a moan.

"Baby, you're incredible!" I scream out. "I feel.. I feel like I.." I don't know what this feeling is. I can't describe it with words.

"Shh baby I know, let go. Cum for me Tay." He whispers in my ear, that makes something inside of me snap. I feel a warm rush fade my stomach. I automatically clench around Travis's cock and then feel his hand squeeze mine as he cums inside me.

"Oh Travis." I huff, ringing my arms around his neck.

"Tay you are so so beautiful." He pulls out and collapses to the side of me, I roll onto my side and throw my leg over his, trying to entangle myself in him as best as possible so he never has to get up.

"Was that okay? Anything you didn't like?" He asks me, kissing my neck softly.

"It was everything Trav, I loved every part of it." I stroke his beard. "I love you." I whisper and kiss the tip of his nose.

"I love you too. Never forget that." He whispers back to me, I frown a bit at the hint of.. guilt? On his face? That thought is immediately pushed to the back of my brain when I remember Travis came inside of me.

"Hey." I mumble.

"What's up pretty?" Travis hums back.

"You weren't wearing a condom." I say, kinda embarrassed.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry babygirl. Do you wanna shower and I'll run down to the store and get a plan B?" He says and I nod.

"Then maybe we can get dinner and watch a movie?" I kiss his forehead.

"You read my mind." He says and we get up to do our separate things.

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