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We walk through the park, swinging our hands dramatically. We sat down by the river and ate our lunch and now we're taking the long way back to the parking lot.

"So your parents are coming back." I say. We've avoided the topic for a while but I know it's gonna be better for him if we talk about it.

"Yeah." Travis looks down and kicks the rocks below his feet.

"Do you know how long they're staying?" I ask him.

"Two weeks, and then they are taking off for a whole year. I'm surprised they even told me how long they're gonna be gone for. They've never been gone that long but I'm sure I'll be fine." He says, still not looking at me.

"I'll make sure you're fine. I'll come check on you whenever you need me and whenever you don't. I'll never miss a chance to not bother you!" I laugh but quickly drop it when he doesn't.

"You're not a bother babygirl." Travis smiles a few seconds later and wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. I grab his other hand and lean my head onto his shoulder.

"Let's sit." Travis points out conjoined hands towards a tree.

I look up at him then begin walking to that tree. We sit down, Travis leaning against the tree and I'm in between his legs leaning up against his chest. He has both of his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, like he's scared I'm gonna get up and run. I put my hands on top of his and lean my head back on his chest.

"Tay." I hear him whisper.

"Trav." I look up at him.

"I know it's way too soon to be saying this but I think you're the most smartest, sweetest, adorable, kind person ever. This month of being with you has been so special to me. Loving you has become so easy, easy like seeing and breathing. Tay I love you." He says, lifting one of his hands off of me to wipe his face. Is he crying? That's so cute.

I turn my full body to face his. Pushing his legs together so I can straddle him, digging my knees into the slightly moist soil below us.

He looks super nervous, I grab his face in my hands and kiss his lips. Pulling back just enough to rest our foreheads together.

"I. Love. you." I take a small breath between each word.

"Yeah?" He says, I can feel his face contorting into a large smile.

"Yeah." I confirm and he lunges into another kiss. I keep one hand on his cheek and the other arm snakes around his neck.

He takes his hands off my waist and moves them to my ass and picks me up. I break our kiss once he starts walking so he can see where he's going.

"I feel like you just did that so you can grab my butt." I say and use both of my arms to hug him.

"Oh definitely." He laughs and slaps my ass with one hand.

"You're funny." I giggle and tighten my legs around his waist as we switch terrains, now walking on the gravel parking area.

He puts me down in the truck and runs around to his side. He gets in and starts the truck, reaching over to place his hand on my thigh. I immediately turn to look out the window. Trying to hide my red face behind my hand.

I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what we're doing when we get back to his place and I can say I'm pretty excited. I love Travis and Travis loves me, I want to show him my love. Which will be the first time I show my love to anyone. I've actually only loved him, well I mean I love my parents and family and all. But relationship love is different.

I look down at his hand and wrap my whole hand around his thumb. I spend the whole car ride fiddling with his fingers.

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