-Twenty six-

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I hit stop recording and send the voice note to Travis before turning my phone off and twirling it in my hand for a second. I push myself off the hallway wall and go back into my bedroom, I pause to look at Joe sleeping peacefully. Travis coming back has been really hard for me, all these emotions and feelings, I don't know what they are or what to do with them.

I climb back into bed and put my phone back on the nightstand. I hear Joe stir a bit, turning over then throwing an arm over my waist and pulling me into him. I put my hand on top of his and take a breath.

It doesn't feel the same as it used to. Am I losing my spark with him? No. I love Joe. I really love Joe. I mean I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with Joe. Right?

I gently take his hand off me and place it back by his side, shutting my eyes and falling asleep.

"Taylor!" I feel an hand aggressively shaking my shoulder till I'm awake.

"What?" I blink my eyes open and quickly sit up, worrying about a fire or something.

"What the fuck Taylor?! Why are you texting your ex boyfriend in the middle of the night?" Joe screams at me from the foot of the bed.

"What are you talking about?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"Well I noticed you got out of bed last night and when you came back I tried to cuddle you and you just pushed me away. So I waited till you fell asleep and grabbed your phone! I fucking knew you were cheating on me you whore!" Joe starts to charge at me.

"Joe stop!" I scream.

I jolt away, suddenly sitting up, heart beating intensely. I reach a hand up to wipe the sweat off my forehead. I stare ahead for a few minutes wondering if what just happened was a dream or reality.

I look over and see the bright sun shining through the curtains. And joe isn't asleep next to me anymore. I grab my phone and quickly unlock it, going to Travis's contact and editing his name to 'Micheal Bodyguard'

"Hey baby." I hear Joes voice come from behind the door just before it opens.

I look up and quickly shut off my phone, turning it upside down on my lap.

"What are you doing?" Joe says, crawling on the bed to get to me. I kinda got the ick from the way he... crawled.. um.

"Nothing." I say going to pull my hair back into a ponytail.

"Oh okay, I just came to tell you that I'm about to leave." Joe says kissing my cheek.

"Where are you going?" I ask him, a bit confused.

"I told you. I'm going to London for an audition, I won't be back for 2 weeks Tay." Joe says and my brain tweaks a little.

"Ohhh yeah, I knew that sorry." I say acting like I remember but really I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Okay, I love you, I'll call you once I get to London." Joe says.

"Mhm, you too." I say bending up to kiss him.

"Bye." I say and watch him walk out of our bedroom.

I furrow my eyebrows trying to remember when he told me he was leaving, because I'm quite positive that he never did. Whatever it could be a mistake.

My phone pings and I roll over to grab it.

Turns out I only needed to be
in KC for a meeting, just
landed back in town. Can I
still see you at noon?

I smile down at 'Michael's' message subconsciously before typing out a response.

Ofc, I'll see you at noon.

Travis quickly hearts my message and I put my phone back down in the nightstand, giddily getting up and running into my closet to get changed.

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