-Twenty nine-

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"I could take you home Taylor." I hear a voice say in front of me. I look up and wipe a tear off my cheek.

"You are home." I say with a weak smile.

"So let me take you Taylor. Let me have you." Travis says stuffing his hands into his pockets has he looks down at me.

"It's not that easy." I sniffle as I slide down from my chair and onto the floor, tucking my knees up the my chest.

"It can be." He says squatting down to sit inches in front of me.

We just sit there and look at each other with soft sorrow expressions that are somehow also filled to the top with love.

I don't know when but at some point we both started leaning into each other. Our faces now a measly inch or two away from one another.

"Travis." I whisper as my eyes fall shut.

"Taylor we can't. You have a boyfriend." He says, but not backing up, but also not moving forward anymore. I guess 'so let me take you' Travis is all gone now.

"I don't have a boyfriend Travis... I have a fiancee. I'm so sorry." I whisper as I start crying again. I hear Travis take a fast breath before standing up and walking away from me.

I keep my eyes shut and just slump my head back against the chair. Continuing to cry for the man I can't have. But the man I want so badly. I open my eyes and see Travis just about to open the door.

"Please turn around. Please turn around." I mutter to myself, adjusting to sit up a little more straight.

It's almost like he could hear me because he did turn around. But he didn't come running back to me like I hoped he would. He just looked at me then smiled sadly and walked out the door.

"Don't leave again." I whisper to myself and let my legs drop flat onto the floor.

I have to do something. I might have been able to do it 4 years ago but I'm not letting him walk away again. I stand up and sprint towards the door, I push it open and scan the parking lot for him.

I spot him walking to his car with both of his hands on his head, looking down at his shoes as he walks.

"Travis!" I yell as I run to him. He turns around just in time for me to jump into his arms.

I throw my arms around his neck and jump up to wrap my legs around his waist. Travis instinctively wraps his arms around my ass to keep me from falling down. Im not lying when I say I blushed mega when I felt him holding my ass.

"Taylo—" Travis starts to say but I don't even let him finish his first word.

"I don't want to be with Joe. I don't want to marry him Travis. I want to be with you, I always have and I always will." I say sobbing into his shirt.

"Oh Tay." Travis says, taking one hand off of me to open his driver side door. He places me down on the edge of the seat and stands between my spread legs.

"Please." I say taking a hand and putting it on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.

"I'm not gonna be a home wreak your relationship Tay." Travis says, letting me touch him. He puts his hands on my lower thighs as he waits for my response.

"You won't be. I'll leave him Trav." I say trying to control my breathing and stop crying.

"I can't ask you to do that." He says with a shaky breath.

"You're not asking me. I'm telling you, I'm leaving him and I want you, but only if you'll have me." I say pressing my lips together nervously.

"Of course I'll have you." Travis says letting out a relieved breath and smiling at me.

"Yeah?" I say, returning the smile and nodding my head.

"Yeah." He says.

I giggle and take my other hand to move around his neck and pull him closer to me.

I nudge my nose against his and press our lips together. I missed this. I missed him so bad these last few years and I didn't even know it. I have been keeping myself distracted enough from my feelings that I hadn't realized it. Our kiss breaks and I gasp.

"I missed you." Travis says as we lean our foreheads against each other.

"I missed you so bad, oh my gosh." I giggle and peck his lips over and over again.

"I never stopped loving you Taylor." Travis murmurs as I begin kissing all over his face. Claiming him as mine and only mine.

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask him.

"You're moving out of your house and into mine. I don't want you living with Joe anymore." Travis says and I smile.

"We're gonna go to ur place and get anything you want to take with you to mine. How's that sound." Travis says, sliding his hands up to latch around my waist, holding me close to him.

"Sounds perfect." I giggle as Travis scoops be back up.

He runs around to the passenger side of his truck and puts me down in the seat.

"Oh wait your car." Travis turns around.

"It's fine. Let's leave it, it's in Joes name anyway and I'm sure he'll want it back." I say.

"Let me go get your guitar and I'll be back." Travis leans forward and kisses my cheek.

"Okay." I giggle and adjust to sit forward in my seat. Travis shuts the door and I watch as he runs back into the library building.

I buckle my seat belt, smiling like a nerd before my eyes catch the thread hanging from his rear view mirror.

I lean forward and grab onto it, running my thumb across the letters. He still had it. I can't believe it.

The 'it' in question is the friendship bracelet I made for him, it was special because it has both of our names on it with a heart in the middle.

I smile at it then hear the backseat door open and Travis carefully puts my stuff down on the floorboard. He then goes around and gets in the front seat.

"You kept this?" I ask him, taking my hand off the bracelet and putting it onto his shoulder.

"Yeah, it was one of the things you gave me when we broke up, I don't think you ever gave it to be before hand so I put it on the little mirror thing, knowing I couldn't wear it. A girl once asked me to take it down and I refused and she left, that's when I realized if I couldn't have you then I didn't want anyone else so I didn't try dating again." Travis casually says, pulling out and driving down the road.

"You are so cute." I say suprised.

"Why thank you." Travis says putting his hand out for me to grab. I hold onto his hand tightly, encasing it with both of mine.

"I never stopped loving you either by the way." I say, bringing his hand up to my mouth and kiss it.

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