-Thirty four-

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I stare down at my phone with a blank expression but my mind is racing a thousand miles per second as I read the text from Joe

Hey Teddy, everything
wrapped up early so I'm
going to be home sooner than
we expected. See you in a few

I twirl my fingers above the keyboard for a long moment. Me and Travis agreed that I would just ignore all texts from Joe and we'd hope he got the hint when he got home and saw all my stuff gone. But in this exact moment I froze. I had to make a choice, and god I hoped I picked the right one. I know that I couldn't always get what I want but I just wanted no one to be hurt in the end of this. I hate making people upset.

Okay, I was actually called into
a meeting in LA so when you get
home I won't be there. I miss you tho!

I hit send and put my phone into my little purse.

"Lovey are you almost done?" I hear Travis yell from the top of the stairs. I scramble looking around the bathroom before I realize I am done. So I take a deep breath and shake my shoulders before walking out of the room and making my way down the stairs.

"You look so good Tay." Travis smiles at me from the bottom of the staircase as I carefully make my way down them, making sure not to trip over my own feet.

"Thank you." I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck, letting him lift me over the last few bottom steps.

"Ready to go?" He says, rubbing a hand over my lower back.

"Yes sir. Let's go have our second first date." I slide my hand around his waist as we walk out to our car.
We get onto the road and Travis has been holding a little bit of a mischievous grin the whole time.

"So where are we going." I ask him.

"Ivy yard." He says which makes me whip my head to the side so I can look at him.

"Ivy yard? Like the Ivy yard where we had our actual first first date? That Ivy yard?!" I say, bringing my legs up to be tucked underneath me.

"The Ivy yard where we had our first first date, yes." He says and reaches over to grab my hand.

"Oh I love you so much." I say, while peppering kisses over his hand.

Our whole first date replica was so fun and so perfect. Might have been even better than the first time but don't tell Travis I said that.

We even decided to go take a short walk to see if that ice cream shop was still open, and to our surprise it was. We opened the door and walked in, the sound of the little bell filling the open room.

"Well I'll be damned." The same little old lady who served us last time says as she throws the rag she was using to wipe counters down with on the floor.

"You know I had a feeling you two were soulmates, any kids yet?" Dorthy says as we walk up to the cash register.

"Not yet, but we're thinking about it." Travis says before I could open my mouth. I just smile up at him lovingly as he chats away with the woman.

We get our ice cream and walk outside to sit at the little table outside of the shop.

But unlike last time I sat sideways in Travis's lap instead of in my own seat, mostly since there was only one chair out there but still.

"So we're thinking about kids?" I say, leaning back against his chest as I lick my ice cream.

"I don't know, are we?" He says biting into his soft serve.

"Yes we are. Also there is no way you just BIT into your ice cream dude." I say laughing.

"Well how else am I supposed to eat it? It melts to quickly." He says.

"Um you lick it like a normal person." I say demonstrating how to properly eat ice cream.

"Oh you're definitely talented at that." He says while watching me, placing a hand on my hip to hold me against him.

"Shut up! You make everything dirty!" I roll my eyes and turn away from him.

"Aww I love you too." He says leaning forward and kissing my cheek.

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