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Today is game day which means I have to wear my football jersey to school, it looks stupid alone so I wear a hoodie underneath. I'm sweating like a pig but it's better than looking dumb.

Your wearing a hoodie ☹️

My phone dings and I read the text from Taylor. I shake my head and smile before typing out a response.

And is that an issue?

Yes, you look really good
when you wear short sleeved
shirts, it makes your muscles

Didn't know you were staring
At my muscles.

Why wouldn't I? They are

I laugh at her and put my phone away before the teacher sees. I only have one more class till I see Taylor so I just need to make it through the last like 35 minutes of this current class.

"Travis" Patrick whisper screams at me. I snap my head to look at him, he's sitting at the single desk beside me, leaning over to be close to me.

"How's your little bet doing?" He says which makes me a little angry.

"She's fine." I say and give him a bit of a weird look on accident.

"Oh it's happening." He says moving to sit up straight.

"What's happening?" I say furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You're falling for her." He says laughing.

"No I'm not, she's weird I could never fall for that." I say shaking my head.

"Alright, but if I catch you actually having feelings for that ugly freak then you're never hearing the end of it." He says looking away.

My fists ball up, fingernails digging deep into my palms. He has no right to judge her when he doesn't even know her. He also has no room to talk, Patrick isn't attractive what so ever, how he has a girlfriend with always blow my mind.

I narrow my eyes at him for a second then turn back to pay attention to the teacher.

The bell rings in no time and I immediately pack up my stuff and head out of there.

I weave through the crowded hallways and entry Mr Shepherds classroom. My other class isn't too far away so there's only a few other kids in here.

I go back to my seat and get out all the stuff I need for today that was listed on the board. I tap my pen as I watch the door, waiting for a certain someone to walk in.

Then, I hear her giggles ring my ears and a few seconds later the pretty blonde walks in.

She leans in and whispers something to Abby and then Abby looks over at me and giggles. She slaps Taylor's arm and then Taylor turns and begins walking over to me— or her seat I guess, but it's still in my direction.

"Hey." I say as she sits down in front of me.

"Hi." She smiles and gets her things out before turning around to lean on my desk.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She asks.

"Oh you best believe I'm ready, game time mindset baby." I say and she laughs.

"Where are we going after?" She asks. Again I had told her to just be ready and I'll figure everything else out, she tried to argue that it was her turn because I had planned our last date but I didn't budge so she evidently backed down.

"Did I tell you last time?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Nooo..." she drags out.

"And I'm not telling you this time." I say and she groans.

"Maybe next time." She murmurs and turns back around when the bell rings.

I smile and lean forward to whisper in her ear. "So there's gonna be a next time?".

"Yeah maybe. Only if I like you, which I do or whatever." She whispers back, clearly smiling because I can hear it in her voice.

"I like you too or whatever." I say before sitting back in my seat.

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