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The next day at school I ignore all my friends, just waiting till I see Taylor in the halls. She might have missed yesterday but she wouldn't miss today. She hates missing school.

I shut my locker after a while of just staring down the hall. I begin walking to my class and then see Abigail walking towards me. She holds eye contact with a pure haters look to me as she walks past. Then I look up and see Taylor walking a couple feet behind her friend.

"Tay—" I gently grab her arm but she shrugs it off and continues walking by.

I turn around rub the top of my head as I watch her walk away from me.

"Fuck!" I scream and punch a locker, ignoring everyone staring.

I swallow the lump in my throat and walk the opposite direction of my next class. Storming into Ms. McDevitt's classroom. She's always been one of my favorite teachers so I know I could trust her to help me. Plus I knew it was her prep so she'd have no students yet.

I walk into her classroom and see all the big lights are off, only the little lamps scattered across the room turned on.

"Travis, what can I do for you." She says and takes off her glasses to look at me.

"I fucked up big time and I need your help." I say and shut the door behind me.

"Grab a chair bud, what happened?" She says and I take the nearest plastic chair and pull it up to her desk.

"My girlfriend, Taylor." I take a pause before continuing to see if she knows who Taylor is.

"Yeah I know Taylor, the teachers love talking about her, say she's excelling all her classes. What about her?" The teacher says leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. I smile for a second, of course all her teachers love her, that's just who she is.

I tell her everything, the bet, the first text, our dates, not the sex though I don't tell her that. But I basically describe our relationship from start to... end. It feels terrible to say that it's the end.

"I know kids my age always say this about their partners but god damn, she really is the love of my life, the girl I never knew I needed. I can't live without her Ms, I need to know how to get her back." I say and rest my head in my hands.

"Travis if she doesn't want to see you then there's not much you can do. She may just need space to handle all her emotions." She says and I nod.

"Okay, thank you." I say and return the chair back to the desk and leave the classroom.

I pull out my phone and click on the only pinned contact, Taylor.

You have to let me explain
Tay. I can't lose you like this baby,
please let me tell you everything.

I text her but along with all my other ones I see she just read it and didn't respond.

"Fuck baby please." I say to myself and lean against the nearest wall.

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