-Twenty four-

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It's been about 2 days since I ran into Taylor, I haven't stopped thinking about her. But that's not uncommon. This time I was thinking about how different she looked, she had straight hair instead of her natural curls, she had long painted nails instead of short ones she usual bit when she was nervous. And she was grown up, she's not who I remember.

I've been hesitant about texting or calling her because she has a boyfriend now. It couldn't hurt just reaching out, it's been four years and I knew I still had feelings for her, I always would but even if they were never returned I still want to know what she's been up to.

I open up my messages app and click the most recent saved contact. I smile when I see what she's saved her name as. "First love" I say out loud. Maybe she is the same Taylor I left in Pennsylvania. She wasn't wrong, she was my first love. Also my only, sure I had tried to get with other people after her but it just didn't click like how me and her clicked.

I open up a new conversation between us and begin typing a message out to her. I hit send and just as I go to turn my phone off I see three dots, indicating that she's typing back. My phone digs and I read the message.

Pretty confident you were
my first love huh?

Am I wrong?

I playfully roll my eyes and type out an answer.

No. You're not wrong."

So when can I see you?

How's tomorrow? Noon if it
works for you.

Meet me at 3178 Carolina

I'll see you there Tay.

I put my phone down and slowly drop my smile. What the hell am I doing? She has someone else Trav. Just stop.

I slam my phone down on the table and walk into my bedroom, taking off my shirt and then undoing my belt. I take off my pants and kick them off my ankles as I walk into the bathroom.

I walk over and turn on the shower. I shut the cold glass door and walk back over to the sink.

I space out for a while then hear the faint buzzing of my phone in the other room. I walk out and pick it up off the bed, not bothering to look at who was calling me before I picked up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Travis, this is coach Reid. We need you to come down to Kansas City as soon as possible for a meeting. Can you be here by Tomorrow?" My coach, Andy Reid says.

"Uhm yeah, I should be able to." I say looking around my room.

"Okay, I'll see you then." He says and hangs up.

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