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Today I have to go to school alone, Taylor texted me last night saying she was sick. I had planned on seeing her after school but she told me not to bother. She sounded upset over text so I called her but she didn't answer, and just said she lost her voice. She's been barley responding to my text which is worrying me a bit, she must be pretty sick.

"Travis?" I faintly hear, my eyes shoot up and search for the voice I heard. I see Ms. McDevitt standing in front of me.

"Everything alright? You've been super out of it all class." She says.

"Um yeah, just a little distracted today." I say and take a deep breath.

"Ok, I'm always here if you need to talk." She says and walks away.

I pick up my pencil and start doing the worksheet she gave us to try and kill time. This is the last class of the day so it shouldn't be too long.

The bell rings at the end of class and as I'm packing up I decide, fuck it. I'm going to see Taylor.

I don't wait up in the halls, instead going straight out to the parking lot and getting in my truck.

I drive down the long country roads to her house, maybe a little faster than a safe speed but I didn't care. If Taylor wasn't okay then I needed to be there for her. Whether she liked it or not.

I pull into her driveway and notice only her car in the driveway. I get out and knock on the door. Nothing. I knock again, nothing. I pull out my phone and text Taylor's little brother Austin, and ask him where he's at.

He tells me him and his parents are on their way to his baseball game and Taylor didn't want to come so she's all alone.

I knock once more before reaching down and peeling the welcome door mat back and picking up the spare key, placing the mat back how it was before. And snapping back up to unlock the door.

I swing the door open and shut it behind me, kicking off my shoes at the door since I know how much Taylor's mom hates shoes in the house.

"Tay?" I walk into the kitchen and just hear silence. She must be in her room. I turn around and walk over to the stairs, almost tripping going up. Taylor would have laughed at that till she cried.

I reach for her door handle when I hear a stifled cry. I pause before opening the door, a million thoughts and questions about why and if Taylor might be crying.

I stand there for a moment, so scared I can feel my heartbeat in my stomach. I then open the door and see Taylor sitting in the middle of her bed, surrounded by tissues and the closer I look, things I've given her.

"Leave Travis! I never want to see your fucking face again!" Taylor shouts at me when she realized it wasn't a family member who walked into her room.

"Baby what happe—" Taylor cuts me off by throwing a half full plastic water bottle at me.

"You don't get to call me baby anymore! You asshole!" She scream sobs at me.

"Bab— Tay what's going on?" I say taking a step closer.

"Don't touch me!" She screams. "Did you think you could play me forever? Your little friend told me everything. A bet Travis? Really? Am I only worth a hundred fucking dollars to you!" She wails which makes me stop in my tracks.

How did she know. Who told her.

"I gave myself to you! I loved you Travis! How could you do this to me!" She sobs, wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Baby please let me explain." I say taking another step towards her.

"Don't call me baby!" She reaches behind her and grabs a book from her nightstand and throwing it at me. I take the violence as I sign to stop walking towards her.

"Tay it's not what you think." I look down at her.

"It's exactly what I think it is! You took a bet to sleep with me for a hundred dollars! Is it not Travis?" She says and takes a tissue and wipes the tears off her face. Dropping the now used tissue onto her lap with the others.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"You said you loved me! How could you do this!" She throws a pencil at me.

"I do love you Taylor!" I tell her but I can see she's not convinced.

"No you don't! Get out! Get the fuck out of my house! Get the fuck out of my life! Take your shit and leave Travis!" She screams at me as loud as she can.

"Tay you have to listen to me." She walk towards her, ignoring all the more things she's throwing at me.

I put my hand in her cheek and she closes her eyes for a couple seconds before smacking my hand down.

"I said leave." She says without opening her eyes. "I never want to see you again. Take your god damn shit and leave." She says and I press my lips together. I breathe out, trying not to cry.

I lean down and press a kiss on her lips, I feel Taylor kiss me back for a minute then she suddenly pulls back and smacks my chest.

"No! You can just kiss me and expect everything to be alright!" Hiccuping as she speaks then she starts crying again. When I don't move she just hits my torso repeatedly screaming at me to leave.

I grab the box with all my things in it and Sal towards the door. I look back and see her staring at me with nothing but hate in her expression. We stare at each other for a long time before she moves her hand around to find something to throw again.

I turn back and walk out the door and down the hall before she can throw it.

I get out to my car before fully accepting what just happened. I just fucked up my chance with the love of my life. What the actual fuck. Then my thoughts go from sad to angry when I remember what she said. "Your little friend told me everything" what friend. My whole friend group was there when me and Pat made that bet.

I grit my teeth as I start my truck and back down Taylor's driveway, finally letting tears fall down my face as I drive back into town, this time to Patrick Mahomes house.

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