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It's been about a month or so and I've gotten to be friends with Taylor, dare I say close friend?

She's actually a really cool person to hangout with so fake dating her wouldn't be to terrible I guess.

We exchanged numbers a week ago and have been texting non stop since.

So when are you gonna let me
take you out?

I  immediately slam my phone down on my desk after hitting send. I don't know why I'm nervous, it's not like I care about her.

A few minutes later my phone pings and I scramble to pick it up, unlocking it and finding her contact to see her response.


Shit Travis. Calm down.

Tomorrow, 8pm I'll pick you up?

I think I can find time in my
schedule for you. 😉

I shut my phone off and see the ungodly view of myself smiling like a dumbass in the black reflection.

I drop my expression and get up to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom connected to my bedroom and turn on the water. I take off my clothes and while I'm waiting for the water to get warm, I flex my back muscles, looking at them in the mirror proudly.

Once the mirror starts to get foggy I take it as a hint to get in. I let the water rush over me, drenching my skin. I groan and look down to see my raging boner beginning for form.

I try to ignore it and wash my hair but it's too big to ignore, thankfully for me I was blessed in that department but it also meant it was painfully obvious when I was hard.

I turn to wash the soap out of my hair while my mind drifts to where I'm gonna take Taylor tomorrow.


My hand subconsciously drifts down my stomach and wraps around my erection, I begin to slide my hand up and down the steel rod between my legs while picturing Taylor. Taylor next to me in the shower, Taylor's hand doing what I'm doing, Taylor's legs wrapped around my hips as I pin her against the wall, slamming into her over and over until I...

Cum, I cum all over my hand in the matter of seconds.

I blink back into reality and realize what I just did. I just jerked off to Taylor. Fuck. Im sure it's just because she's a girl and I was horny.

I turn off the water and shake my head, getting all the excess water out before opening the glass door and stepping out.

I yank the towel off the hook, wrapping it around my waist. I walk over to the sink and grab my toothbrush, squirting some Colgate onto the bristles and brushing it against my teeth.

I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth and bend down to rinse my mouth out with sink water. I wipe my mouth off with the disgusting hand towel I haven't washed in months.

I turn off the light and walk into my bedroom, opening my dresser drawer and grabbing a pair of clean boxers.

I drop my towel and step into my underwear, then reaching down and picking up the towel off the ground to dry my hair with.

I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs and into the laundry room, opening the dryer and grabbing a pair of grey sweatpants, not bothering to get a basket and take the rest of my clothes to my room.

I get back into my space and switch off the lamp, climbing into bed and scrolling on my phone before I have to go to sleep.

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