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"Taylor." I hear a low voice.

"Hmm." I hum, rubbing my eyes and stretching out my limbs.

"You're tired." He says and I nod, curling back into him.

"Do you want to stay the night? I can drop you off back home in the morning if you want." He says with a hint of nerves in his voice.

"Really? Are you sure?" I look up at him.

"Only if you want to."

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"Yeah?" He says and kisses my forehead.

"I don't have any other clothes though." I yawned.

"That's okay, let's go get you ready for bed though." He says and I crawl off his lap, letting him stand up. I wrap myself around one of his arms as he walks me up and through his house. I try and memorize as much of his house as I can but it's a bit hard since it's all white marble.

He pushes a door open and I'm assuming it's his bedroom and might I say it's pretty cool. And clean. He's got purple LED light surrounding the top of his walls. It showcases his personality so well and not a single thing is on the floor that's not supposed to be.

"Here, sit down." He walks me over to his bed and I sit down then flop down onto my back, shutting my eyes.

"Poor baby." He laughs and walks into a different room. While he's gone I take the moment to absolutely freak out about everything. Travis is giving me my dreams right now. I think this is something I could get used to. Something that u could put into a routine.

"Tay wake up." Travis says walking back into his room.

"I'm up." I say but not moving a muscle.

"I have more comfortable clothes for you to wear." He says, grabbing my hands and pulling my limp body up.

"I have one of my shirts for you to wear then these pajama pants I have which are way too small for me so they might fit you." He says and sets the clothes next to me.

"Thank you." I stand up and give him a sleepy kiss.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and brush my teeth so you can change." Travis says and rubs my cheek then walks away.

I quickly change into the clothes and then put my hair back into a braid. None of that cute little muddy bun bullshit with my hair. I have pretty curly hair so if I sleep with it down or a bun it becomes a straight mess.

I push the door to the bathroom open and walk behind Travis who is in fact brushing his teeth. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his back until he finishes.

I rinse off my makeup, just using water. A lot of it. And I look up in the mirror after drying my face and see Travis smiling at me.

"What?" I giggle.

"Your hand." He says and grabs my hand to get a better look at it.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought it would just be cute and school spirity but I won't do it again if you don't want me t—" I start to internally flip out but am cut off with the feeling of his lips against mine.

I kiss him back after a second, winding my arms around his neck.

"Tay it's amazing." He says after pulling back. Then he grabs my hand up and kisses the number. All the glitter had unfortunately fallen off by now but it was still super pretty.

"I'll let you sleep in here and I'll go to a guest room." Travis says as we walk back into his bedroom.

"Or.." I start to say hoping he will get my little hint.

"Or I can sleep in here too." He smiles and I nod.

"Did I leave my phone downstairs?" I say going over to my folded clothes I was wearing earlier.

"No I brought it up, it's on that nightstand." Travis points.

"Oh thank you." I say and grab it.

I navigate myself to mine and my mom's messages so I can let her know I'm not coming home tonight.

I'm sleeping over at Travis's
tonight. We should have him
over for dinner, I want you to meet
him. He's so sweet mom.
I'll be back in the morning, it just
got too late for me to drive back home.

Okay T, hope you had so much
fun. I'll talk to dad about having
him over soon. See you in the

I honestly feel so blessed to have a mom that allows me to do what I want. She always tells me that she thinks it's better if I learn from my own mistakes rather than her trying to protect me from everything.

I climb into the opposite side of the bed as Travis. Setting my phone on the nightstand.

"Goodnight Tay." Travis kisses me on the cheek.

"Night." I say and turn away from him, on my side but reach back to hold his hand.

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