-Twenty one-

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The last four months of school I barley saw Taylor, she changed her classes so our schedules wouldn't align and I could tell she took separate paths to her classes to avoid seeing me in the hallways.

I had recently gotten into Cincinnati on a football scholarship. I almost called Taylor to tell her but then I remembered that isn't my place anymore, but god there was nothing I wanted to do more than celebrate by holding her in my arms.

I'm getting ready for our graduation ceremony right now, which won't take very long. I really only have to get dressed.

"I saw this and it just screamed Travis so I had to get it for you!"

"Tay baby, it's a black shirt."

"But I pictured you in it and thought you looked so handsome."

I think back on the conversation when my eyes land on said black shirt in my closet. I pluck the shirt off the hanger and lay it down on my bed.

I take a deep breath and shut my eyes, trying my absolute best not to cry.

I slip my sweater off and glide the smooth black top over my head. Smoothing the wrinkles out of it and looking at myself in the mirror.

I slide my cap and gown on and double check to make sure I look good before walking out the front door.

I find my assigned seat on the many chairs scattered across the football turf.

I hear a familiar giggle and my eyes shoot to the pretty blonde laughing with her best friend. Her hair was curled and she had on a pretty black dress with matching heels. She look perfect.

She sat down directly behind me but a few rows back since S and K were a good distance apart in the alphabet.

The announcements start and they begin calling names to walk onto the stage and get their diplomas. They call up my section to go line up by the stairs.

"Travis Micheal Kelce!" They call and I walk across the stage with a smile, shaking the hands of the adults in front of me. I find my seat again just as they call her name.

"Taylor Alison Swift!" They call and I stand up applauding her as loud as I can.

"Go Tay Tay!" I howl and continue clapping. I don't even notice the tears falling down my face until I sit back down.

"Go Tay." I whisper as I wipe away my tears.

_____________Taylors POV____________

"Travis Micheal Kelce!" The announcer calls out over the roaring crowd of parents and family yelling for their children.

"Yes Trav!" I screamed and clapped my hands till they were bright red.

"Tay you're crying." Abby nudges my shoulder.

"I know." I smile as I sob silent tears.

"I miss him Abs." I keep my eyes following him as he walks back to his seat and sits down.

"I know babes, it's okay." She rubs my shoulders.

I would be lying if I had said I didn't miss him. I missed all of him. Maybe I should have listened to his explanation. Maybe it would have made me understand but maybe wouldn't. I would never know because I never tried. Maybe I just fucked everything up with the love of my life.

I walk across the stage when they call my name, completely on auto pilot. I am in no mindset right now.

I snap back into reality when I'm walking back to my seat and see Travis's shirt peaking out through his gown. My heart swells when I realize it's the shirt I had gotten for him.

I stutter my steps for a second before pausing in one spot. I look back at Travis sitting in his seat with his head in his hands.

I let the train of thought leave my head before turning around and walking down the aisle of white chairs.

I guess he heard me coming because he perked up when I got closer.

He stood up once I got in front of him and he then opened his mouth to say something but I just wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. A few moments later his arms wrapped around my waist and Travis nooked his face in my neck.

"I'm so proud of you." I whisper, rubbing his back slightly.

"I'm so so proud of you too." He mumbles and we stay like this for so long before pulling back.

My lip quivers when I look at him and I surge forward to kiss him. Was it a good idea to kiss my ex? No. But did I need to kiss him? God yes I did.

I pull back before we got too comfortable with each other. I take a big unsteady breath and frown as tears fall down both of our faces.

I grab his hand and squeeze it before walking off, holding onto his hand till the very last moment. Knowing it was my last time.

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