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The night with Travis was magical, we went out to dinner, then walked a few blocks down to get ice cream and then he kissed me, over and over again. It's a feeling I never want to forget, his lips pressed against mine.

He just dropped me off about 5 minutes ago yet I'm still standing in the entry way in utter shock of how amazing that was.

"T? Is that you?" I hear my mom say, coming down the stairs.

"Yeah mom." I say and going to meet her.

"Baby it's 12 am, did you just get home?" My mom says as I help her walk back upstairs.

"Yes I'm sorry mom, I promise I wasn't doing anything bad, me and Travis went to the cutest little restaurant then got ice cream after, I guess we just lost track of time." I say as my mom walks into my room with me.

"Sweetheart just makes sure you.. be careful. With sex and everything. Use protection." My mom says and I flush red.

"Okay mom, I love you." I say and gently push her out of my room.

"Love you too, T." She says and shuts my door behind her.

I flop down onto my bed and begin typing a very long message to Abigail about my night out with Travis. Just as I click send, I get a message from the man himself.

I had a lot of fun with you
Tonight Tay, when can I take
You out again?

I giggle at his text and formulate a text back.

Hm what about Friday night,
I can come to your game and then we
Can go out after?

I'll be expecting to see you
In the stands.

I heart his message and shut off my phone. I sigh and get up off my bed. I pull out an oversized shirt that hands off my shoulder and a scanty little pair of shorts and use them as pajamas and change my clothes out with them. I throw my hair back into a simple plait and tie it off with a silk hair tie. I grab my reading glasses off my nightstand and put them on.

I quickly wash off all my makeup and do my skincare before climbing into bed. I grab my phone and ddd a text from Abby.

Is that all you did? 😏

I roll my eyes at her response but before I can say anything another texts pops through.

Seriously tho, I'm so happy
for you Tay. We need to go
shopping for a cute bra and
pantie set for you too, now that
you have a boyfriend and all. 🩷

I smile a widely at her messenge.

First of all, he's not my
boyfriend yet, he hasn't asked.
And second of all... what are you
doing Thursday, we should go to the
mall. 😉

Cheeky, I like it. Pick me up
after school and we will go shopping.

I exit the messages app and open safari, typing in 'VictoriaSecret.com'. I navigate my way through the website and find the lingerie section. I scroll down till I find one I love. It's a maroon color and has lots of lace. I add it to my cart, along with a silk robe but that one is just for my own pleasure.

I reach over and grab my wallet out of my purse. I open it and pick out my debit card, entering the digits and buying the items.

I put everything away and turn off the lamp, sinking into my blankets. I shut my eyes.

After a while I see a bright light shin which causes me to open my eyes.

Goodnight pretty girl, I'll
see you tomorrow morning

Travis's text reads. I don't fully open my phone to look at at but I giggle and turn it back off. Falling asleep a very happy girl.

(I'd like make it clear that she bought lingerie by herself, her and Abby are going underwear shopping together)

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