-Twenty three-

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I get into the car with Joe and don't speak a word.

"Teddy I thought that Abby was your best friend from high school?" Joe says, reaching over to place a hand on my thigh. Suddenly I was super disgusted at his touch and I have no idea why.

"Yeah um they both kinda were, Travis got me through a lot." I blush and look down while smiling, just thinking about how much he 'got me through'. Joe had no idea what I was thinking when I said that but I know what I'm thinking. Sex. I would never say it out loud to anyone but the special man but sex with anyone had never been as good as it was with Travis.

"That's nice to hear babe." Joe says and rubs my leg.

I smile and turn to look out the window. I can't believe me and Travis went to school together for 4 years and never realized, well technically that means we went to school together for a total of 17 years, that's insane to think about.

I keep checking my phone every couple minutes to see if Travis had texted me yet. When I put my contact into his phone I set my name as 'first love 👱🏻‍♀️' I'm kinda regretting that now, what if he thought that was weird. Oh my gosh, what if he has a girlfriend?

We get home and I get out of the car, quickly walking up the driveway to unlock the door. I get in and yell to Joe I'm going up to take a shower. I don't wait for an answer before running up the stairs and going into our bathroom.

I check my phone one last time before getting in, only to be met with a notification from an unknown number. I scramble my password, trying to unlock my phone as quickly as possible.

I read the message only to realize it's just a stupid spam scam. I sigh and shut my phone off as I rub my temples and get undressed.

I step into the steaming shower and let the water rush over me. It's a familiar feeling, too familiar...

"Tay it's okay we won't slip."

"But what if we do!"

"I won't let you."

I smile and let him push me up against the cold tile of the shower.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper, wrapping my legs around his hips as he lifts me up.

I'm snapped out of my daydream when I hear a knock on the bathroom door. I run my hands back through my hair to move it out of my face, slowing down my breathing.

"Yeah?" I shout.

"You okay in there? It's been a while." Joe yells back to me.

"Yeah I'm just finishing up." I say and am met with no response. I safely assume Travi— Joe. I safely assume that Joe has left.

I take a deep breath before shutting off the water and opening the fogged glass door, I step out and get impaled by the cold air.

I wrap my self in a forest green towel. I walk over to my sink and grab the hairbrush off the counter, and begin brushing the soft tangles out of my hair.

Once I finish my hair I was over to the closet Joe and I share. I pick out a pair of sweatpants and loose fitting sweatshirt.

"Teddy are you sure your okay? You seem a bit off." Joe says as I walk into are bedroom.

"Yeah I'm just really tired out from today." I say without looking at him, just peeling back the blankets and climbing into the bed. I shut off the lamp and turned away from Joe.

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