-Thirty five-

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Taylors been with me for about a week now, and my god I never thought I'd ever be this happy again. She truly is my soulmate, my other half.

We've had a date night almost every single night she's been here, whether it's going out to a nice restaurant or staying in and eating pizza in our pajamas.

Some people might say we're taking things too quickly but it truly just feels like we picked up where we left off. We're just a bit older and more mature now, which is a good thing since now we know about healthy communication.

Tay is just about to leave for her library session, as much as I wanted to go I couldn't since I had to leave for work just 15 minutes after she had to go.

"You're gonna do so good lovey. I wish I could be there but I'll be cheering you on from here." I say giving her a soft kiss.

"Thank you baby, text me when you're on your way home?" She says hugging me around my waist.

"I'll do you one better and call." I say kissing the top of her hair.

"Sounds perfect. I love you." She pushes herself into her tippy toes and kisses me again before running towards the door. I grab her wrist, causing her to spin around.

"Trav I'm gonna be late!" She says before I pull her into me and give her a proper kiss, with tongue.

"Okay go lovey, have fun." I say pushing her out the door.

"I love you!" I yell to her as she gets into the car. I turn around and walk back into my house. I go into the kitchen to finish washing the dishes I was doing before she had to go.

"Oh she left her phone." I say walking up to the counter and grabbing it. I peak out the window and see she's already left, I guess I'll just drop it off when I go to work, it shouldn't take too long for the detour to the library.

I set it back down and as it hits the hard marble it causes the screen to turn on. I smile at the screensaver of me and her cuddling on the couch asleep, a picture that our friend took of us the other day. Then my eyes go down to the two notifications waiting for her at the bottom. Both of them being from Joe.

I'm not a controlling boyfriend. But, why is he texting her? I mean I know why, but like why? I ponder opening it for a few minutes before just deciding to go for it. Tay doesn't have to know, I just need to know what he said.

I click on the messages which makes me put a password in first, before I could look at them. I know Taylor's password is her mother's birthday so I type it in and it goes through.

Are you having fun in LA?

Yeah it's so cool here, and hot.

That's nice to hear, I miss you

I miss you too Joe. Can't wait
till we're both back home.

Just got to the airport, coming
Home soon.

Taylor? Why aren't you
answering me. You know I
hate it when you ignore me like

I tried to ignore all the other messages as it's not really my business but I just kept going up until things made sense.

My heart shattered, Taylor lied to me. She was the one who proposed the idea of her just ghosting him. Yet here she is texting him saying she's in Los Angeles when she's really across town at my house. I can't believe it. I trusted her.

I turn her phone off and go over to the couch. Silently slipping on my shoes and grabbing my Keyes from beside me.

I walk out and get into my truck, setting down my things on the passenger seat. I start the vehicle and mute the radio, I put the instructions to the library into my GPS and start driving.

I drive the distance to the library in silence, just sitting with my thoughts. I really thought she was ready for me again. Ready to leave Joe, he never deserved her. He can't even get it into his thick skull that his favorite nickname for her is her least favorite thing to be called on this planet.

I park in front of the doors, it should be fine since I'm just running in really quick. I grab her phone and walk into the library. I stand by the desk, waiting till she looked over at me and once she did I held up her phone and then handed it to the receptionist, asking her to give it to Taylor once she was done.

Taylor blew me a kiss as I walked out so I just smiled at her. Knowing what I know now makes it hard to even look at her.

I push the glass doors open and step outside, trying to ignore the tears welling in my eyes. I hop back into my truck and drive off, letting myself cry as I'm driving to work.

I guess there's really only one thing I need to do.

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