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I suddenly jolt awake and groan at the blinding light of the morning sun, shining through the curtains.

I sit up and rub my temple. There's no way I just dreamed about kissing Travis, and what if we did more and I just interrupted it by waking up?

I look over at the ringing sound coming from my nightstand and see that my alarm has been going off for thirty minutes, I smack my phone repeatedly till the sound stops.

"Ughh." I groan and get out of bed. I scratch my messy hair, standing in front of my closet trying to pick out what to wear. My eyes land on a short, light yellow sundress. I pluck it from the mess I call my closet and throw it onto my bed. I strip out of my baggy t-shirt and pull down my panties. Great. Travis made me wet in my dreams and we didn't even do anything dirty. So great.

I walk over and grab a new pair of underwear and pull them up, grabbing a bra and doing the same before going to put my dress on.

I sit down at my vanity and do my quick makeup routine then begin taming my hair.

"Taylor sweetie, we have to go in five minutes." My mom says after knocking on my door.

"Ok! I'll be down in a sec!" I yell, practically ripping my hair out from my head.

After a couple minutes, a lot of product and one tantrum later, my hair was flowing down my shoulders in pretty curly patterns.

I pull some socks on, stumbling around and grab my white converse. I pull a white zip-up out and throw it over my arm, along with my shoes and race downstairs.

I grab a croissant and shove it into my mouth when I hear my mom honking outside.

I race across the gravel in only my socks, completely ignoring the pain and hoping into the back of the car.

"You need to learn time management Teffy." My little brother says annoying me from the front seat.

"Ur late everyday, I'm late one day." I say through gritted teeth as I lace up my converse. I put my jacket on, keeping it unzipped, finally getting to rest for a short second. I grab my phone out of my backpack and reply to a few of the texts I had received from my friends.

"Okay, have a good day you two. Love ya." My mom says rolling to a stop in the parent drop off line.

"Bye love you." I say and hop out, rushing into the school.

"Abbyabbyabbyabby." I quickly and quietly say to her as I sit down in the seat beside her.

"What what what what?" She says looking extremely worried.

"I had a dream." I say before looking around.

"You had a dream?" She says looking more confused.

"I had a dream that I went to the last football game of the season because you made me and Travis was there, obviously and we kissed! Then I woke up and realized I was crazy for dreaming about this boy I barely know and what's even worse is that it turned me on." I ramble quietly in her ear.

"You had a sex dream about Travis?!" She says a little too loud for my liking.

"No I did not! It just made me wish there was more.. when I woke up.." I say staring into space.

"You're down bad." She says, continuing to eat her cereal.

"Ughhh I know." I groan, burring my face in my hands.

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