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"Tay?" A voice snaps me back into reality. "Hm?" I say giving my full attention to Abby. "Do you want to come to the game with me tonight?" She repeats, this time me listening.

"Uhh I dunno." I say letting my eyes drift over to the tall boy I had been unknowingly falling for.

"Come on, last game of the season, you gotta come." She says nudging my arm.

"And I'm sure Travis would love to see you there." Abby says with a smirk and I shoot her a death glare.

"Fine." I mumble and she squeals.

Later that day me and Abby were in my bathroom getting ready for the game.

I smear red and gold face paint across my cheeks and do the same for my friend. Abby throws some bead necklaces over my head and I fix my hair and turn to the mirror.

"Oh girl, Travis is gonna eat you up." She says, quickly following up with a whistle.

"Abby!" I shout turning to her.

"What? As much as you'd hate to admit it, I know you like him and he for sure wants you." She says adjusting her sweatshirt.

I roll my eyes, unable to hold back a smile.

We get back to the school and walk down to the bleachers as the game is beginning.

They announce the seniors names as they run out of the tunnel, blasting through the paper poster the student council made for tonight.

"Travis Kelce! 11!" The announcer calls his name and number. I stand up, screaming and shouting for Travis with the biggest smile on my face. The moment dies and I sit back down, briefly looking over to see my best friend's shocked face due to my actions. Honestly I can't even believe I just did that. Practically confirming to the whole school I have a big fat crush on this boy.

The game goes on and ends in a close win of 25-22. All the fans go down to the field and celebrate with their family's or significant others to congratulate them but I stay up in the stands. Abby went down onto the field to meet up with her boyfriend, Charles.

I'm sitting with my feet up on the seat in front of mine, scrolling on my phone when I hear the sticky sound of cleats grasping the hard metal of the stands.

I look up and see Travis walking up the steps in my direction. God I don't think he's ever looked any better than he does right now. Holding his helmet in his hand, shaking his head to get the excess water out.

I quickly look around and realize I was the only one left in the seats.

I put my phone away in my pocket as he gets close and fiddle with my fingers when he sits down next to me.

"Hey." He speaks up, making me look up at him.

"Hey." I say with a little smile.

"What brings you here nerd?" He says running a hand through his sweaty hair.

I act offended at the name before speaking up. "I helped you get your grades up to be able to play football and I can't even see what my work earned you?" I say.

"I never said I didn't appreciate seeing you in the stands blondie." Travis says nervously looking into the distance.

I blushed a little... or a lot. "You did good." I say.

"Yeah?" He says turning to look back at me.

"Yeah." I confirm.

"Heard there was a college scout here." I say trying to ignore the sparks flying in the air around us.

"Really?! What school?" Travis starts to get giddy.


"My brother is going there. It would be a dream to get to play with him." Travis says with a smile.

I nod along with his words before turning my head away.

"What's wrong?" Travis says in a different voice tone than before.

"You look really good." I quietly admit.

"I look really good so you don't want to look at me?" Travis says chuckling.

"What if I told you, you look irresistible right now?" Travis says after a second of silence.

I snap my head back to look at him, this time a sparkle ignited in his gorgeous eyes.

"What?" I whisper, flicking my eyes down to his lips only for half a second.

"Taylor.." Travis begins to say.

"Travis.." I say, uncontrollably leaning closer to him as he repeats, getting closer to me.

"Can I kiss you?" He mumbles, making more eye contact with my lips than me.

I nod my head and force a smile down my throat so it doesn't ruin the moment.

He brings a hand up and rests it on my chin, tilting it slightly up.

I let my eyes drift closed and I soon feel his lips pressed against mine. A million little fireworks exploding in my stomach each second we're connected.

Neither of us takes it any farther, only keeping it a simple kiss before we pull back.

Once we've assumed our original positions, we just keep eye contact with a big goofy grin on each of our faces.

I shift my body face forward again and Travis wraps an arm around my shoulders, me instinctively resting my head on his arm.

"Do you have a ride home." He asks after a couple minutes. I begin searching my eyes for Abby before giving up and reluctantly lifting my head off his arm.

"No.. I think Abby left with her boyfriend." I say looking at him.

"Well if she's going with Charles then how'd you guys get here?" Travis questions.

"We walked." I say knowing he'd be shocked if he knew where I lived. Country side of Pennsylvania, on a little Christmas tree farm.

"Come on, I'll take you." Travis says standing up and reaching out a hand for me to grab onto.

He helps me up and we walk down the stairs.

"Uhmm. Could you give me like 2 minutes to change back into my normal clothes before we go?" Travis says stopping at the concrete just before the student parking lot.

I nod my head and Travis begins running back into the school building.

I find a bench to sit down on and text Abby all the things that just happened.

I hear footsteps and look up to see Travis walking back to me.

I stand up once he gets to me and he hood out his arm. I link onto it. "What a gentleman." I say in a proper accent.

"I aim my please, m'lady." He says, tipping a non-existent top hat.

I giggle as we begin walking.

"You're so pretty Taylor." He says opening the passenger side of his truck door, helping me in.

I can't say anything back, as I'm trying to shield my face away so he won't see me blushing at nearly everything he says.

"I love how you act like I don't notice you blushing at me." He says once he's gotten into the drivers side.

I shake my head and grab his phone, putting in my address.

"Ooo a country girl I see." He says, backing out of the parking space. "Shut up." I tease.


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