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The whole drive to my house is just so amazing. We talk about everything we've missed in each others life, going deeper than the last time we saw each other.

Travis pulls into my driveway and we both hop out and walk up to the door together. Hand in hand. Heart strings intertwined at last. I use my key to open the front door and walk in.

I take a quick look around, trying to sift through everything I want to take. I furrow my eyebrows as I realize, For the first time, I really don't have anything of my own in this house.

It's mostly Joes things. When we bought a house together we both moved things in but Joe did make me get rid of a lot of things but I never thought of it as this much.

"Uhm, I really don't have that much to take. I'm going to send you into my bedroom and pack all my clothes into a suitcase then I'll come help you when I'm done in here." I say walking over to Travis as he shuts the front door behind him. I grab his hands and swing them slightly as I look up at him.

"Okay, I should be able to distinguish your clothes from his." Travis says as I lead him down a short hallway, into the master bedroom.

I pull out a big suitcase from under my bed and unzip it, lying it out flat onto my bed. I point at everything that Travis should get before walking out.

I rub my temples as I enter the living room. The room full of memories with Joe. I take a picture frame off the side table and look at it. It's a family picture with Joes side of the family, Joe being in the middle surrounded by his loved ones, meanwhile I'm shoved off to the side and almost cut out of the camera frame.

I bite down on my lip and raise the picture above my head then slamming it down on the floor as hard as I can.

"FUCK YOU!" I shout at the broken pieces of glass sliding across the hardwood floor. I wipe my hair out of my face as I catch my breath.

"Baby? Everything okay out there?" I hear Travis call from the other room.

"Yep!" I laugh back.

I spend the next hour, gathering my own pictures (not containing Joe) and books and other possessions, into small boxes I found in the garage.

I load the boxes into the back of Travis's truck before going back into the house and finding my... boyfriend?

"Hey Tay." Travis says as I walk into the room. He's moved everything onto the floor as he sits with his back leaning against the end of the bed frame.

"Oh you make some serious progress." I say, climbing onto the bed and wrapping my arms around his chest from behind.

"You have a lot of clothes, M'lady." He says laughing, but continuing to fold my shirts into neat squares.

I lean to the side and pepper a few kisses onto the base of his neck before rolling onto the floor and helping him fold.

"You got everything else you needed?" Travis says as we finish up.

"Yes sir, I just need to pack all of my makeup and hair things into my backpack then we can escape." I say.

"Yes ma'am." He teases at my use of the word 'sir'.

I giggle and get up off the floor, grabbing my empty backpack off a hook and running into the bathroom. I shove all of the things into the bag, very messily and unorganized.

"Hey lovey, where is Joe at?" Travis says, leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"He's in London for a 'audition' but he said he's gonna be there for two weeks." I say, throwing the backpack strap over my shoulders and walking over to Travis, taking his outstretched hand.

"Oh okay." He says as we walk out of the house.

"Tay this is you last chance, are you sure you want to leave him? Leave all this behind?" Travis says stopping at the front porch.

"I want to leave this all behind Travis. Yes I do. For you." I say kissing our hands where they meet and continue walking.

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