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I dig through my pencil bin, trying to find a purple sharpie. I eventually find one and draw a line on a random piece of paper to make sure it's not dead.

I carefully draw out a 18 on my hand and grab a yellow glittery eyeshadow from my bathroom to line the edges of it. Our school colors were purple and yellow, and Travis's number was 18 so I thought it would be cute. Also if Travis decided he didn't want it on my hand I could always cover it with my sleeve.

"Mom I'm about to leave, can I have the keys?" I ask my mom, having to borrow the family car since I didn't have my own.

"Yeah baby hold on." My mom says and gets up from the couch, going over to the counter and digging in her purse.

She takes out her keys and just before handing them to me she snatched her hand back.

"T, just.. please be safe. I don't care if you do have sex with Travis just wear protection and don't do anything you don't want to." She says.

Usually I would protest or deny or argue that she thinks lowly of me but I know her heart is in a good place.

"Thank you mom." I say and grab the keys then pulling her into a hug.

"I love you." I mumble before pulling back.

"If you end up staying the night just text me first." She says as I walk out the door.

"Ok!" I shout before shutting the door. I shake my arms to calm myself down and start walking out to the car.

Travis was going to pick me up but our schedules didn't align so I convinced him it was okay if I drive myself, he just wants to be a gentleman.

I get in the car and turn on the radio so I'm not driving in silence. I pull out of the driveway and start heading down the twisty country roads into town.

I see my phone screen light up, signifying that I got a text so I quickly glance over and unlock it, making sure to still be safe on the road. I see it's a text from Travis and a smile wastes no time appearing on my face.


Just about 5 minutes away, don't
worry I'll be there Trav 💜💛.

I'll be watching out for you.

I quickly look over his last response before shutting my phone off. I pull into the school parking lot, I find the closest spot to the stadium as possible so I don't have to walk as far.

I hop out and lock the doors before speed walking down the concrete path. I skip past the concession stand and set my purse down on a seat, I picked the very bottom row so i wouldn't be blocked by anyone.

I slide my phone into my back pocket and just as I look up I notice him. Looking at me from the sidelines, looking as good as ever. Fuck I want to have him so badly. Suddenly that thought snaps a different meaning in my head. What are we? Talking? Dating? Friends?...Friends with benefits? I mean we kissed once and always complement each other and today we literally both admitted to liking each other so there's no way we can just be friends.

I notice him look both ways before running off the field, I start walking towards him. I run down the stairs and start walking across the track to get to him.

We meet in the middle and he immediately scoops me up into a big hug, spinning me around a few times before putting me down.

"You're here." Travis whispers as he burrys his face into my neck.

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