Chapter 47

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Henry's POV

Some of the warriors have to stay near the spot where we left the cars at, because we don't have enough sits for them.

But more of the people who came here with Devonte are going with us to the pack, who hopefully helped Darrick.

All of the kids are driving with the guards, and we already know that there are twenty two of them.

It doesn't take long, before I see a big building which most likely is a pack house, and Devonte parks the car, before he gets out of it.

I help Landen do the same, while Logan takes our son and we follow Devonte inside.

It sees that the pack already knows that we were coming here, because no one even tries to stop us, but I can see that some of the people are looking at us with confusion.

A muscular man greets us happily right after we walk inside of the big building, and he talks with Devonte for a while.

Devonte explains the situation and the man decides to show us the way to the pack hospital.

This pack is pretty small, so the pack hospital has just two rooms, and an office.

I can already smell in which room Darrick is, and I'm sure that Devonte knows it too, because he goes right towards that door.

All five of us walk inside, and the first thing that I see if Darrick, who looks pretty annoyed.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, and he looks up to see me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me curiously.

"Someone wanted to talk with you." I say, and I gesture at Devonte.

"I have a few things to tell you, but I guess that most of them will have to wait until we will be in my pack lands, because will want my mates to be to be a part of that conversation.

For now, I just want you to know that you were born in my pack, and that you were kidnapped by the rogues.

Although I'm pretty sure that it was a different group than this one." Devonte says, and Darrick frowns.

"Does it mean that I will have to live in your pack now?" He asks, and Devonte nods.

"Yes, we will stay here with you until the doctor will allow us to take you back to my pack, and then we will go there." Papa says.

Darrick doesn't look very happy which surprises me a bit, but I decide to not say anything.

We stay with Darrick for a while, before Devonte leaves to find a doctor.

Logan and I decide to go outside to let Darrick rest, so we go back to where we left the guards.

The Alpha of this pack is standing near the kids, and he's talking with a guard who look a bit annoyed, so Logan decides to make sure that everything is alright there.

"Logan." The guard says happily. "I guess that you should talk with him, because he has more to say about this than I do." He tells the Alpha, before he walks away.

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