Chapter 24: Over a Million Views! The Wang Family's Great Embarrassment!

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Chapter 24: Over a Million Views! The Wang Family's Great Embarrassment!

"Qingxue, Fenglan, after I leave, you two... won't start fighting, right?"

Faced with Lin Tianming's question, Ye Qingxue glanced at Fenglan and huffed, "That depends on whether someone keeps calling you her boyfriend in front of me!"

Fenglan, hearing Ye Qingxue's words, calmly responded, "Tianming has always been my boyfriend."

[Boyfriend or not, my desire to kill him remains unchanged. This title, even in a new life, cannot change!]

Listening to Fenglan's inner thoughts, Lin Tianming realized her current state was exactly like Ye Qingxue's two months ago.

Ye Qingxue, hearing Fenglan's deliberate provocation, coldly retorted, "Feng... Lan!"

Instantly, the temperature in the girls' dorm room plummeted to freezing, causing Lin Tianming to shiver unexpectedly.

Fenglan, although speaking little, was equally unyielding, her surroundings stirring with a fierce wind, making the room chaotic.

With raging winds and biting cold, Lin Tianming felt as if winter had arrived.

If these two joined forces, combining their abilities, wouldn’t they be the goddess of winter?

Unfortunately, they were now rivals, making any cooperation between them seem impossible.

Lin Tianming took a deep breath and forcibly pressed the standing girls back to their beds.

"You two should say less. You’ll be roommates for the next four years. Don't let a small matter escalate into a fight!"

After being pressed down, Fenglan and Ye Qingxue gradually restrained their respective powers.

Fenglan assured Lin Tianming, "Don't worry, I'm not that petty. As long as she doesn't make a move, I won't either."

Ye Qingxue, not wanting Lin Tianming to think she was unreasonable, added, "Tianming, you can leave without worry. I won't fight her."

Despite their words, Lin Tianming still doubted whether they could truly get along.

But as a guy, he couldn't stay in the girls' dormitory every day to watch over them.

He could only hope they would keep their promises and at least not fight in the dormitory full of people.

"I'm leaving now. You two must get along peacefully!"

After a final reminder, Lin Tianming left the girls' dormitory.

Taking out his phone to follow the school's directions and asking a few people along the way, Lin Tianming quickly found his dormitory building.

"Zizhu Court, this is the place!"

Finding his suitcase in the dorm supervisor's office on the first floor, Lin Tianming carried it directly to his room on the second floor.

Soon, Lin Tianming found his room.

Noticing the door was open, he guessed someone must have arrived before him.

Ready to meet his new roommate, Lin Tianming carried his suitcase inside.

"Hey? Someone’s here? Must be my roommate for the next four years! Hi there, I’m Chu Yunfei! Nice to meet you!"

As soon as he entered, Lin Tianming saw a tall, thin boy lying on a bed that was already made.

So thin... He's practically a bamboo stick...

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