Chapter 91: Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan Clash! Lin Tianming is Stunned!

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Chapter 91: Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan Clash! Lin Tianming is Stunned!

Having just seen Teacher Tianshui subdue the Water Spirit Bridge, Lin Tianming was quite envious.

Now it was finally his turn. Lin Tianming couldn't help but fondly touch the Condensed Ice Bell, which had shrunk to the size of a bell after being subdued by him.

He smugly said to the Tianshui beside him, "Teacher Tianshui, am I impressive or what?"

Tianshui glanced at Lin Tianming, whose joy was evident on his face, and smiled gently.

"Yes, I underestimated you, little brother Tianming. The ice attribute artifacts in the Ice and Snow Secret Realm are not as easy to subdue as those in other secret realms. With the power of the sinister gods obstructing and its own resistance to non-ice attribute powers, it's surprising you managed to subdue it."

[It seems that in this reborn life, not only the people around me have changed, but even he... seems to have changed...]

[I wonder where he obtained the power of the Psychic Ascenders. Before the arrival of the three great ascension kingdoms, I can't think of anywhere that could have provided such power...]

[Should I ask him? Forget it... This is his opportunity in this life, whether I ask or not doesn't make a difference to me. I don't need to become a Psychic Ascender.]

Tianshui's curiosity, which was making her itch, was all overheard by Lin Tianming.

She didn’t ask, and Lin Tianming was just as happy not to explain how he acquired the power of the Psychic Ascenders.

Only Ye Qingxue, who accompanied him into the Lost Lands, knew this. After all, she witnessed him jump into the Psychic Ascension Pool to undergo the baptism.

It's also uncertain how Tianshui, who lived through the era of the three great ascension kingdoms, would react when he showcased the Mechanical Transformation ability, revealing his identity as a Mechanical Ascender.

Simultaneously walking both the paths of the Psychic and Mechanical Ascenders was something even the people of the three great ascension kingdoms couldn't accomplish!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming was a bit eager to see the jaw-dropping expression of the ever-gentle Teacher Tianshui.

It would surely be amusing!

After playing with the Condensed Ice Bell enough, Lin Tianming decided not to think more about teasing the gentle female teacher and instead planned to test the abilities of the Condensed Ice Bell.

With a thought, the Condensed Ice Bell quickly expanded and rang with a melodious chime.

As the bell rang, the ancient battlefield around them began to shake violently.

Following this, the Tianshui beside Lin Tianming was mentally unprepared and was affected by the bell's vibration, losing her composure.

[How could he activate the Condensed Ice Bell without warning? With no defenses up, even I would be influenced by this bell sound!]

In the next moment, the mentally unprepared Tianshui was enveloped by the freezing tide triggered by the bell, freezing her in place.

Lin Tianming only wanted to test the abilities of the Condensed Ice Bell and had no intention of harming Tianshui. Seeing Tianshui first suffer a soul attack and then get frozen in place, Lin Tianming couldn't help but cover his face.

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