Chapter 44: The Soul-Hitting Divine Whip! The Three Weapon Forms of Red Flame!

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Chapter 44: The Soul-Hitting Divine Whip! The Three Weapon Forms of Red Flame!

Pulled back to reality by Lin Tianming’s invitation to share the treasure, Alice seriously doubted her ears.

“You… you’re asking me to share the treasures here with you?”

[It seems like this lifetime’s Ming is different from the one I knew in the past life… Could my rebirth have caused a butterfly effect, changing his personality this time?]

[No… impossible! There’s definitely a trick here, maybe he’s planning to torment me again!]

Seeing Alice's skepticism, Lin Tianming impatiently said, “Why are you girls always so hesitant? Hurry up!”

Hearing Lin Tianming’s tone turn harsh, the weakened Alice hurriedly got up and ran to his side to avoid any rough treatment.

This tactic always works!

Sometimes you have to be a little stern!

Lin Tianming sighed internally and then smiled at Alice again. “Alice, if it weren’t for following you, I wouldn’t have discovered this mechanical secret realm. I, Lin Tianming, keep my word. We’ll split the treasures here equally.

I’ve already bonded with one treasure, the gravity device, which can exert multiplied gravity to crush enemies.

I’ve taken one treasure already, now it’s your turn. Look at what’s left and choose what you like. I won’t break my promise and snatch it from you!”

The more generous Lin Tianming appeared, the more fearful Alice felt.

“Ming, I lost the duel to you and am powerless now, how can I have the right to fight you for treasure… I promise not to mess around, just please don’t toy with me…”

Images of how Lin Tianming tortured her in the past life flashed through Alice’s mind, making her body tremble with the psychological trauma.

[Could it be… that in this lifetime, I not only get mocked and tormented but might even die here sooner and more tragically than before?]

Listening to Alice's inner thoughts, Lin Tianming learned a lot about how she was tortured by the original host in the past.

Alice had it really bad in the past life, being used as a pathfinder and forced to endure all sorts of attacks and the crushing effects of the gravity device.

She helped the original host obtain all the remaining treasures, only to be humiliated and trampled underfoot. If the original host hadn’t thought she was dead, she would have been taken out of the mechanical secret realm and continued to be tormented.

Lin Tianming knew it was almost impossible to make Alice believe he wouldn’t harm her, given what she had suffered.

He had to use a firm attitude, letting her safely take the treasures and gradually break her fixed impression of him.

Lin Tianming pretended to be fierce: “I told you to choose, so choose! If you don’t, I’ll get angry!”

“Don’t… don’t be angry… I’ll choose… don’t… don’t hit me!”

Weakened and revisiting a place of trauma, Alice could only obey Lin Tianming.

[I can only take it step by step… Disobeying him might only lead to more severe torment…]

Scanning the familiar surroundings, Alice took a deep breath and started to choose her treasure.

[The gravity device is taken by Ming, so only Red Flame and the Divine Whip are left.]

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