Chapter 59: The Ice Attribute Skill from the Divine Dao Domain! Ice Blade!

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Chapter 59: The Ice Attribute Skill from the Divine Dao Domain! Ice Blade!

The Ice Blade seemed to tear through space, emerging from another dimension. Was this an ice attribute skill from the Divine Dao domain?

Upon hearing Ye Qingxue's thoughts, Lin Tianming couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Not far away, Jiang Han, who was watching the battle, also narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

[Jiang Han's Thoughts: The ice attribute skill that Ye Qingxue's girlfriend, Ye Qingxue, just displayed has actually touched upon the Divine Dao domain at such a low level!]

[This is unbelievable! In my previous life, I was the most promising young awakened to become a god in history. Now, after my rebirth, there are so many geniuses defying the heavens!]

[Could it be that the Heavenly Dao, aware of my rebirth, is arranging these even more powerful geniuses to prevent me from ascending to the pinnacle and disrupting the original history and order of this world?]

Jiang Han was killed in her previous life by the original host during her weakest moment, combining the power of her godhood crisis to kill her. Therefore, she could immediately see the growth potential of Ye Qingxue's Ice Blade skill, which had the characteristics of a Divine Dao domain skill.

Ye Qingxue's teacher and her classmates were also stunned.

"Is Ye Qingxue really an F-level ice attribute talent? The power of this skill seems even more terrifying than those awakened with SSS-level talents!"

"The awakening ceremony must have been accurate. Ye Qingxue probably had some great opportunity that allowed her to become so strong with an F-level talent!"

"Even Feng Lan's strongest skill a few days ago pales in comparison to this giant Ice Blade that seems to tear through space from another world!"

"I have a feeling that Ye Qingxue is going to defeat Lin Tianming, who has an SSS-level talent, head-on with her F-level talent!"

Lin Tianming also felt immense pressure.

Moreover, Ye Qingxue awakening an ice attribute skill from the Divine Dao domain reminded him of Feng Lan, who had sought him out for a duel yesterday.

Could it be that Feng Lan had also broken through the sixteenth level and, using his past life's understanding of the Divine Dao, learned a Divine Dao domain skill in advance?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed. Lin Tianming felt lucky that he had been exhausted by Teacher Jiang Han yesterday and had spent the entire day resting in his dormitory.

But today, facing Ye Qingxue's ice attribute Divine Dao domain skill, Ice Blade, Lin Tianming's pressure was maxed out.

The strongest skill his Divine Hand had copied so far was Jiang Han's super forbidden spell as a top-tier awakened.

Ye Qingxue's Ice Blade was an ice attribute Divine Dao domain skill, one tier higher than a super forbidden spell.

Could he really continue to successfully copy it?

Staring at the giant Ice Blade tearing through space, Lin Tianming took a deep breath and decided to give it a try.

Divine Hand—Copy!

Noticing Lin Tianming's movements, seemingly attempting to copy her skill, Ye Qingxue smiled.

[Ye Qingxue's Thoughts: Brother Tianming, I admit your Divine Hand is extraordinary, but the Ice Blade is a Divine Dao domain skill. At best, you can only copy Teacher Jiang Han's strongest mortal realm super forbidden spell. It's impossible to copy Ice Blade!]

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