Episode 2: Godly Grandparent

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Charlie smiled wide as she stepped down the stairs, still so utterly proud of the new Hazbin Hotel they had built. And she was even more happy that the Exterminations were effectively canceled thanks to their efforts.

They even killed Adam! And he was an asshole!

Her smile only faded when she saw the shrine they made for Pentious. She went over to it, and sighed. "Morning, Pen..."

Then, a familiar voice called out. "Charlie...?"

It was Vaggie. Her newly sprouted wings fluttered as she walked over, with KeeKee, their cat and the literal key to the hotel, scurrying over and rubbing herself on Charlie's leg.

Charlie giggled a bit and pet KeeKee on the head and then looked at Vaggie. "Morning, mi amor...gosh, those wings are so pretty..."

Vaggie's face flushed and she laughed. "Still getting used to them. Too bad eyeballs can't grow back."

"Wouldn't surprise me if they could." Husk said as he walked out from his room, stretching a bit and already having a bottle in his hand.

Charlie smiled. "Morning, Husk!"

"Yup. Morning." Husk nodded before sitting down at the bar.

There was a big yawn as Angel walked out, chuckling as his pet pig, Fat Nuggets, ran around playfully at his heels, apparently having the 'zoomies.' "Mornin', guys."

"Guess I better get started on breakfast!" Charlie laughed as she began walking to the kitchen...until suddenly, the doorbell rang.

The Princess of Hell turned. "Huh? That's...odd. Who could- WAIT! THAT COULD BE SOMEONE WANTING TO STAY!!!"

Eager as ever, she rushed over to the door and opened it. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Charlie and- Oh! Oh, you're tall!"

The voice at the door laughed. "I could be taller!"

Vaggie tilted her head curiously and approached...before she froze, her one remaining eye nearly bulging out of her skull as her jaw dropped.

"Wait...your glow looks familiar." Charlie said before her eyes widened and she backed up. "Are you from Heaven?"

The figure held up his hands. "Wait, wait, wait! Before you become frightened, I'm not here to hurt anyone. But yes, I am from Heaven...actually, I rule Heaven, ha! I came here to meet you!!!"

Charlie smiled before she blinked. "Wait...rule Heaven? You're...you're the ruler of Heaven?"

"Correct! May I come in?"

Charlie hummed. "Well! Okay!" She said as she stepped to the side.

Then, in Grandpa Morningstar stepped, even having to duck his head through the door. "Ohhh! So this is what the Hazbin Hotel looks like! I love it! Red and gold compliment each other very nicely."

Angel hummed, curious about the new stranger, but then noticed Vaggie frozen. "Vags?" He waved his hand in front of her face, confused. "Hell to Vagina! You in there, toots?"

No response.

"Char? I think your honey is broken."

Charlie gasped and rushed over. "Vaggie? Vaggie, baby?!"

"Oh my." GM said as he walked over. "I think I may have startled her."

Husk chuckled. "And who are you supposed to be...and why the hell are you so bright?"

"Oh! I apologize, Henrik!" GM said as he toned down the brightness of his body.

Husk's eyes bulged and he stood up. "How the fuck do you know my name?"

If God Was In Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now