Episode 36: The Angel of Redemption

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This was it. It was time to say goodbye to Heaven.

For now, at least.

The beautiful dawn sky hit Heaven and everyone of the Hazbin Hotel had met up again.

"...gotta admit. I'm gonna miss this place already." Husk sighed. "Guess it's called Heaven for a reason, eh?"

Angel smiled sadly. "Honestly, it's nice and all...but I'm mostly gonna miss my family."

"Yeah. Me too." Husk said. "Should we just get the goodbyes out of the way?"

Angel then turned around to see Cherri carrying Pentious bridal style. "Cher, you first."

Cherri's eye widened. "Aw, I can't bring him with!?"

"Cherri, dear." Pentious laughed. "It'sss alright. Perhapsss the Heavenly Father will allow me or you to visit again! And you're being redeemed, aren't you?"

"Emphasis on 'working on it'." Cherri sighed before she set Pentious down. "...love ya, Pen. And, uhh, thanks."

"For what?"

Cherri laughed. "Just being my only good fuckin' boyfriend so far."

Pentious' cheeks reddened and he smiled before arms wrapped around him.

"Enjoy Heaven, Pentious!!! You earned it!!!" Charlie said with a wide smile. "And hopefully others will join you!!!"

Pentious smiled. "And thank you all...for being my friendsss..."

Angel grinned. "No problem, ya sentimental snake."

Husk tipped his hat.

Alastor, however, was just silent. Even his smile was only half-there. Nifty was on his shoulder, even poking his cheek to see if he was still working.

"Dad says he wants to host a proper goodbye, so guess we should meet him." Lucifer said.

But then, on cue, a portal opened right in front of them. They all walked through and were now...on a large stage. The majority of Heaven's citizens were in the audience and cameras were around, likely filming them.

Charlie blinked. "...uhhh-"

"Sorry if this was sudden, Charlie!" GM laughed as he appeared on stage, the rest of his children behind him. "Like your father said, I wanted to do something special."

Charlie's eyes lit up. "Awwww, Grandpa!"

GM then summoned a microphone and cleared his throat before speaking to the large crowd. "People of Heaven! As you no doubt know, I allowed the residents of the Hazbin Hotel to visit. Some of you welcomed them with open arms, others were afraid because...well. Demons in Heaven isn't common."

There were a few agreeing murmurs.

"But I'd like to personally end that kind of view. Any demon I allow here is just as much a person as you and me. And frankly, Hell isn't what a lot of you think it is. You wouldn't believe how many Sinners and Hellborn down there are just trying to keep a roof over their heads." GM said. "And I'm happy you treated them as such, whether you were family or not. And speaking of family...I got the chance to see mine again."

He smiled at Lucifer and Charlie. "My son and my granddaughter...who have made me so proud. My entire family has, even if they've messed up. But if the universe's creator isn't perfect, why should the universe be? So, I'd like to thank Charlie Morningstar for the creation of the Hazbin Hotel."

Then, Michael walked over and whispered to his niece. "Pst. Kneel."

Charlie's eyes widened and she nodded, slowly and slightly awkwardly kneeling before her grandfather.

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