Episode 32: Cherrisnake

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Cherri honestly didn't have anyone to really reunite with. She honestly didn't think her parents wanted to see her and if they did, then she'd apologize. But, that was a time for another day.

Was that a sign that she had more to work on in order to get redeemed? Probably.

But in the meantime, she was much more curious about what Pentious had meant earlier...and now...

Pentious let out a maniacal cackle as he held a paint-covered rifle close to his chest, taking cover behind a wall. "Face it, my dear!!! In thisss battlefield, you are outmatched!"

Cherri cackled, holding her own paintball rifle. "We'll see about that, old man!!!"

Pentious then peeked behind the wall, aiming his rifle as he slowly and quietly slithered out. And when he heard footsteps, he whipped around and began firing.

Multiple colors of paint splattered across the once blank walls. If one was colorblind, they would probably assume its red and they had just witnessed someone's brains being blown out.

But, to Pentious' surprise, Cherri had used a recording of footsteps from her phone, and then the cyclops appeared, blasting at him with pink paint while laughing maniacally. "EAT THIS!!!!!"

Pentious was hit in the back with the various paintballs and he collapsed, dropping his paint rifle. "I YIELD, I YIELD!!!"

Cherri giggled, covered in various paints herself as she went over and held out her hand towards him. "Good game, though!!! That was a lot of fun!"

Pentious laughed as he took her hand. "And thank you...FOR LETTING YOUR GUARD DOWN! SSSURPRISE!"

He then took out a paint pistol and shot her in return, covering her stomach with golden paint.

Cherri's eye widened in surprise, then she grinned. "Ooohhh, you're so gonna get it!!!! C'mere!!!!"

Pentious laughed and quickly slithered away as the chaos continued.

They had spent nearly 3 hours in the paintball arena before the angels running it used magic to clean them and the arena itself of all the paint.

"It'sss a shame they had to clean it all up so fassst." Pentious said. "I noticed you were usssing your gun to actually try and paint an art piece on the wallsss! I never knew you wanted to be an artist!"

Cherri giggled. "Well...I was always pretty creative, I guess. It's just that, well...I was really interested in fireworks, and how I could make those pictures using fireworks in the sky, y'know? But...I also got a love for the thrills. Creativity and a love for the shit that goes boom is...not a good combination."

Pentious hummed. "No, I sssuppose it isn't. I mussst admit, I understand what you mean. Back when I was alive, I alwaysss had ideas for contraptions that weren't exactly...morally correct. Ssso, I think I had a desire for the thrill as well."

Cherri looked at him softly. "Yeah, but...that doesn't explain how you ended up in Hell. I mean! You're sweet! Kind! You are honestly the sweetest fuckin' person I met there! I don't understand how someone as sweet as you ended up in such a bad place..."

Pentious' cheeks reddened at all the compliments before his own eyes softened. "Well, ummm...let'sss jussst say-"

He then looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "Oh! I have to drop off Arthur! Sssshit, I forgot!!!"

Cherri's eye widened. "Wait...Arthur?"

Pentious turned towards her. "I sssuppose I never did tell you about my son!"

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