Episode 38: King and Queen

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Charlie held onto her mother for what felt like hours. She didn't know how long it had been and she didn't care.

She was too afraid to let go, as if she would disappear all over again.

And Lilith didn't let go of her either. She just held Charlie close, gently running her hand through her daughter's hair.

Charlie then looked up at her mother. "I-I...I can't forgive you yet...but please don't leave me again, Mom..."

"Never." Lilith said softly, kissing Charlie's forehead. "I am never leaving you again, baby..."

Charlie hugged her mother tighter, sniffling as her crying finally began to calm down.

...and then, she heard a door open.

"Hey, Charlie! Are any of the guests coming to Duck Therapy yet? I've been looking forward to debuting it!"

Lilith's eyes widened and her breath hitched.

"Luci..." She whispered.

Charlie wiped her eyes, still holding onto her mother before calling out. "D...Dad! C...can you come over?"

And seconds later, Lucifer flew over. "What's up, Char-"

Then, The King of Hell's eyes widened and his wings didn't even retract into his back as he landed on the ground. All he did was stare.

Lilith swallowed, slowly standing up, still holding Charlie in her arms.

Charlie slowly wiped her eyes with her wing and then went from hugging her mother to just holding her hand. "...she's here, Dad."

Lucifer didn't say a word.

Lilith took a shaky breath.

"I...I know what you're going to say, Luci...'how could I have done this? Stayed away all of these years? Why didn't I come back to you, to our daughter...?' I...I won't excuse it. I...I just didn't have a sign that- that you would change, that anyone here was going to change. I-I pleaded so many times for you to stop the Exterminations, to just give our people a fighting chance, but...but you didn't listen. You only saw them as psychopaths, and...and you just didn't want to try and understand..."

Then, the former Angel of Light began to walk closer. His steps echoed throughout the entire hotel.

Lilith winced. "When...when we had that fight, I...I felt like I ruined your life, like...like you and Charlie didn't need me...I know that I left you and Charlie alone. I-I was wrong, and...and I see that now."


Lilith felt herself tearing up when she only heard silence.

"S-stop being so stoic, Luci! Scream! Shout! Just- just say something!"

Then, Lucifer was now face to face with her. He looked up and suddenly placed a hand on her cheek...caressing it.

Charlie very slowly let go of her mother's hand, backing up to let her father have his own moment with her.

And then...Lucifer finally spoke.

"...you're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

Lilith's eyes widened...and then her eyes watered. She pulled Lucifer into a hug, beginning to sob.

Lucifer wrapped his arms and his wings around his queen, his hat falling right off his head as tears streamed from his shut eyes.

And for a moment...Lilith was reminded of when they were back in Eden. When Lucifer had been the silly angel she'd fallen in love with.

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