Episode 4: Vaggie

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"Well then. That could've gone worse." GM said before turning to Vaggie. "Is it alright if we have that talk, Vaggie? Since my granddaughter and my son are...uhh, occupied."

Vaggie swallowed, feeling nervous. "Um...sure."

GM smiled kindly before the two walked off, simply just going to the hallway. He then summoned two chairs, with him taking a seat. "So, how have things been for you? While Hell isn't the eternal pit of damnation it used to be, it's not exactly a cakewalk either."

Vaggie hummed, slowly sitting down. "I mean...things aren't so bad. We finally have proof, Pentious is alive, and Lute and Sera are getting justice."

"Well, that is delightful to hear." GM smiled. "But, as for what I wanted to talk to you about..."

Vaggie swallowed. "Look. I intend to cherish and protect Charlie with everything I have-"

"I want to apologize for what Lute did to you." GM said suddenly. "Frankly, I...I just want to apologize for everything that Adam and Sera had you do. You were a soldier. You were just following orders...and you were punished for it. Lucifer, at the very least, deserved a punishment. You? You spared a scared little boy. So I'm sorry."

Vaggie's eye widened. "Huh?"

GM then looked up and chuckled. "Did you expect me to be angry?"

"I-I mean...I wasn't expecting that." Vaggie admitted, feeling a little anxious. "It wasn't your fault."

"And while you did swing the blade, it wasn't completely yours either." GM said. "But, while half of it is...that's why you're here. For redemption. And in my eyes, you have redeemed yourself. You defend the Sinners of this hotel, you've made Charlie so happy and you admit that what you did was wrong...if you wish, it is possible for you to one day return to Heaven. And I don't mean for a simple visit."

Vaggie's eye widened. She...she could go back?

She was shocked...but then she shook her head.

"I expected that." GM smiled. "But know the gates of Heaven are always open for you, however."

Vaggie smiled at that. "Thank you, sir."

"So, what do you like to do for fun around Hell?" GM asked, now just wanting to start conversation...since he had the feeling Lucifer hadn't been caught yet.

Vaggie hummed. "I mean, I have to help Nifty clean the hotel since it's so much bigger now, and I have to do grocery shopping a lot-"

"No, no. I mean, for fun!" GM smiled. "Things you actively enjoy!"

Vaggie hummed, tilting her head. "I mean...I like helping Charlie."

GM's smile then faded. "Okay...perhaps I should rephrase. What do you like to do for fun that isn't a chore or related to Charlie?"

Vaggie opened her mouth to answer...and then closed it. Her cheeks turned red.

"I was afraid of that." GM sighed. "Vaggie, while it is a good thing to help out your friends and loved ones, it is just as important to help yourself out. If you are entirely dependent on Charlie, then...I don't see a very good future no matter how much you love each other. You may need to find something that you enjoy doing."

And before Vaggie could say something else, the Father of Heaven held up a hand. "Without Charlie or helping the hotel. Everyone needs a hobby after all."

"I mean...I don't know what I'd like." Vaggie admitted.

GM hummed as he began thinking, even standing. "Well...you are rather agile. My foresight allowed me to see that after you lost your wings, you were still able to move around rather quickly."

Then, his four eyes lit up. "I may have an idea on how you could start looking around."

Vaggie tilted her head curiously. "What is it, sir?"

"As the kids would say!" GM said as he suddenly summoned a ball into his hands and then threw it at her. "'Think fast!'"

Almost instantly, Vaggie's hand shot up and grabbed the ball, her eye wide in surprise. "Um...sir, I don't-"

"Good catch." GM chuckled. "If the baseball didn't make it obvious enough, I personally would suggest a sport as a hobby! You yourself are a soldier and while it isn't always the greatest idea to constantly be in battle, it is good to remain healthy both physically and mentally! And sports are a good way of exercising your body and who doesn't a love little friendly competition? It certainly helps you focus more if I say so myself!"

Vaggie hummed, looking at the baseball curiously...then smiled. "I'll...think about it."

"That's all I ask." GM smiled before hearing the door open, so he teleported them both back.

And sure enough, Charlie had trapped her father...in a dog kennel. She then looked at him. "Dad. What do we say to Grandpa?"

Lucifer groaned like a kid being forced to go to school. "...welcome to Hell, Dad..."

"Pleased to be here!" GM smiled.

Angel blinked. "How hard was it to get him in there?"

"Pretty easy! We used a rubber duck as bait!" Charlie smiled.

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