Episode 33: ...Mother?

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GM, Alastor, and Nifty walked right through their own portal and arrived at a simple house in a rather simple looking neighborhood. Minus the color scheme of Heaven, it looked exactly like one on Earth.

Alastor's eyes squinted. "It's far too bright here...where have you taken me?"

GM turned. "You'll see, Alastor...I'd prepare yourself."

Alastor chuckled. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were going to kill me right here and now."

"You're not worth the effort." GM said before suddenly stretching his arm in an almost cartoonish manner, grabbing Nifty and holding her up, while taking her knife away. "No stabbing."

Nifty pouted. "Awwww..."

GM then began walking towards the house and rang the doorbell.

"Who exactly do you want to speak to in a place like this?"

"Oh, it's not for me...it's for you." GM said.

"Coming!" A woman's voice called from the other side. A few moments later, the door opened.

On the other side, was an elderly deer Winner with dark fur and wearing a 1930s esque dress, with a few areas on her body seemingly reflecting dark skin. She had black hair that spilled over her shoulders, and bright brown eyes.

Eyes...that resembled Alastor's when he'd been alive.

GM smiled wide and tipped his hat. "Lucille."

Lucille's eyes lit up. "Oh! Hello, GM, dear! It's nice to see you!"

GM chuckled. "GM. Grandpa Morningstar. I'm glad the name is catching on. I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but...there is someone I'd like for you to see."

Lucille then tilted her head sideways. "...is that someone bookin' it down the street?"

"No, that would be Nifty." GM sighed as he began walking after her. "Alastor. Say hello to your mother while I get a leash for Nifty."

And the moment he stepped to the side, Alastor was revealed. He was frozen like a statue, his smile had shrunk, and he had even dropped his cane right onto the ground.

Lucille's eyes widened and she stared at Alastor in silence. Then...her eyes began watering as she slowly approached him.

Alastor watched her, but his own feet didn't move. And then, he slowly looked down as his mouth opened. "H...hello...Mother."

Even the radio effect from his voice had completely vanished.

Lucille approached him, her eyes filled with tears.

"...Al...you look scared, baby..."

"...I...I take it Jehovah delivered my...apologies to you?"

"...He did. But I didn't want to hear it from him." Lucille said simply. "Remember what I taught you about being a man? 'A man isn't a man if he can't say 'sorry' himself.'"

Alastor slowly looked at her. "It's...not like I was exactly allowed here back then, but...I...I am sorry, Mother. I...assume you are disappointed in me."

Lucille chuckled weakly. "I am. But it's not like your victims were innocent, either. But..." Her eyes softened. "Just because I'm disappointed doesn't change the fact that you're still my baby boy, nor does it change the fact that I still love you."

Alastor's red eyes suddenly widened and he looked into her eyes for any sign of a lie. "...Mother, I...haven't exactly been much better in Hell..."

"You protected the Lord's granddaughter and her hotel, son. I know you. You care about her. She's touched your soul like Rosie has."

"I...suppose that's not wrong." Alastor said with a nod.

Lucille's eyes softened. "You're not unfeeling, Al. You're not okay in the head, but you still have the capability to care. You're not a monster."

"...I'm not so sure about that, Mother..." Alastor said as he let his mother caress his face.

"Alastor. I wouldn't have let you near me if you were. I would have kicked your ass right here on my lawn if I had thought such things, and you know it."

Alastor let out a weak chuckle. "You certainly would have, Mother...but even if there is good in me, I don't think it's enough to stay here...I've given too many souls to her..."

Lucille's hand froze. "...what are you talking about?"

Alastor took a deep breath and then slowly reached for his neck, and held onto something invisible for a moment.

But then, it appeared...it was a black and red chain with organic red eyes all across it. And it was wrapped tightly around his neck.

Lucille's eyes widened in horror, and she stepped back.

"No...no, no, no, no-"

Alastor nodded slowly as he took his hands off the chain. "...yes..."

Lucille covered her mouth as tears streamed down her face. "Alastor Henderson...what have you done?"

Alastor took a deep breath. "...it was when I was alive. I woke up to a spirit that I thought was The Loa...she offered me knowledge for my...victims...and I took it in exchange for my soul. And then I was sent to Hell and I got to see what she truly was. The Root of All Evil itself."

Lucille shook, and her knees buckled.

"I warned you," she whimpered, her voice strangled with tears. "I warned you that messing with voodoo is dangerous, I-I-!"

"I know. I know." Alastor said with a nod. "...and my enslavement is my punishment...she's the reason my powers exist at all..."

Lucille didn't say anything for a while. She just sobbed.

Alastor hadn't seen her cry like this since the night he'd killed his own father to prevent him from beating her to death.

So, he slowly stepped forward, reaching out towards her in a meek attempt to comfort her.

"...Promise me." Lucille whispered suddenly, allowing him to touch her.

Alastor slowly held her hands. "...what is it?"

Lucille looked at him with tears in her eyes. "...I won't ask you to change. I can't force that on you like your father tried to do. But...if you love me at all, Alastor...if Charlotte Morningstar finds a way to free your soul, or if you find a way out yourself...promise me you'll let her help and escape that monster."

The Radio Demon was silent for a moment...before he slowly nodded.

"...I promise."

Lucille didn't say anything, and just pulled her son into a tight hug.

And for a moment...Alastor was taken back to when he'd been frightened of the dark as a little boy, and how his mother would hug him until he was able to fall asleep.

Where he would feel...safe. As if he didn't have to worry about any of the troubles of the world.

And as he slowly wrapped his arms around her again, he felt like that little boy again. He almost forgot that he had chains around him or that he had even come from Hell itself.

GM watched from afar with a small smile. '...there's good in everyone. You just have to choose to embrace it.'

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