Episode 22: ...Jesus?

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(If Blazekritire and a few fan comics can add him, why can't I?

On a serious note: I'm deeply sorry if this does accidentally offend anybody. Not sure how you got this far if so, but remember what I said at the start. My co-writer and I have not read the Bible. While I myself am a Christian, I am not overly religious and I don't think there's any harm in using fictional versions of both God and Jesus.)

"Alright, everyone! The real trip now begins!" GM smiled as he snapped his fingers and suddenly, multiple portals appeared.

Charlie blinked. "Eh? Grandpa? What are these all for?"

"These portals will take each of you to your specific part of Heaven to the places you want to go...to the people you want to see." GM smiled.

Angel's eyes widened and he stared at his portal with this sense of...nervousness.

Husk was staring at his the same way, taking a deep breath.

Nifty giggled maniacally. "Heaven's full of so many pretties!!!"

"Nifty? You shall be going with me and Alastor." GM said.

Alastor sighed. "At least I have someone I can stand."

"I should probably be getting back to my Seraphim duties anyway!" Emily giggled. "Bye, New-Dad! Bye, New-Sister!!!"

"Bye, New-Sister!!!" Charlie squealed as she watched Emily fly off. "So, where will me, Dad, and Vaggie be? You said you wanted us to meet the rest of the family?"

"One of my sons is waiting for you. He'll be your guide." GM smiled before he ruffled Charlie's head. "And have fun in Heaven, my child. All of you have fun! But please don't kill or blow anything up."

Cherri snorted. "Buzzkill."

Pentious hummed as he and Cherri slithered through a portal. "There isss something I think that could sssimulate your love of chaosss, my dear!"

"...go on." Cherri said before the portal closed behind them.

Angel looked at Husk. "...hope you find your kid, Henrik."

"Feels weird to hear you call me that." Husk laughed. "Good luck finding your family."

Angel nodded with a smile as they walked through their portals.

And then, GM, Nifty, and Alastor walked through theirs and the last three were left inside the workshop with their portal.

"Alright!!! Time for a big family reunion!!!" Charlie smiled.

Lucifer gave a meek thumbs up. "...yayyyy..."

Vaggie rubbed the back of her neck. "Let's go then, huh?"

Charlie nodded and walked through with her father and her girlfriend...and they appeared in front of a large house. It was almost a mansion.

"Whoa...wait, I've never seen this place before." Vaggie said. "Your highness?"

Lucifer chuckled. "Ohhh, this brings back some memories."

"Dad?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie? Vaggie? This is Dad's house. Also known as the Archangel Estate. My childhood home."

Vaggie turned. "Wait...I thought you were a Seraphim too?"

"Ehhhh, I was an Archangel and then got demoted to a Seraphim...or promoted. I dunno! I don't remember or care about the Heavenly Hierarchy." Lucifer shrugged as they began walking towards the mansion.

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