Episode 35: The Fallen Angel

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The third and final day in Heaven. Needless to say, everyone was spending it as best they could.

Charlie and Vaggie decided to go out on a proper date, especially since Heaven had plenty of things for them to do, even with yesterday's exploring.

Cherri and Pentious were once again messing around, with Cherri starting to channel some of her more chaotic thoughts through art. She obviously wasn't the absolute best, but she was getting there.

Alastor decided to spend the time he had with his mother while also trying to keep Nifty under control.

And finally, Husk invited Angel and his family to another one of Minnie's concerts, with this one admittedly not being the biggest one. But a gig was a gig.

Although, this time...someone else decided to join them.

"Thanks for inviting me, Michael. I haven't been to a concert in...150 years or so?" Lucifer said.

Michael shrugged. "Figured it would be a nice way for us to bond before you have to go back to Hell."

Angel then started laughing suddenly as they began walking backstage.

"What's so funny?" The Morningstar Twins asked in unison.

"I-I'm sorry...I can't get over how short you two are." Angel laughed.

Michael and Lucifer's eyes just narrowed.

"...don't make me tell your mother. She's in the audience right now." Michael said, crossing his arms.

"Oh, learn to take a joke!" Angel cried.

Then, the three eventually saw a familiar face and a new face at the same time.

"You don't think that's too much makeup, kiddo?" Husk asked.

Minnie giggled. "Yeah! It's fine, Dad! Trust me!"

"Well, if you say so."

"Hey! Husk!" Angel cried as he went over.

Husk smiled a bit. "Angel, good to see you made it."

"What can I say? Heaven doesn't have any gunfights every hour." Angel said with a shrug.

Michael whipped towards his brother. "Is he kidding?"

"No. No, not really." Lucifer sighed.

Minnie blinked. "Uhhh, Dad? Is this the spider guy you talked about?"

"Yup. This is Angel Dust. One of my pals down in Hell." Husk said. "Angel, this is Minnie. My daughter."

"Weird how you're a cat and she's a dog." Angel joked before he shook Minnie's hand. "Seriously, good to meet ya!"

"Good to meet you too!" Minnie smiled. "I can see why Dad likes you."

Angel smirked. "Really now?"

Husk's eyes narrowed as his cheeks went slightly red. "Ah, shut up. You're still a pain in my ass no matter how much I like you."

"Tell that to yourself alll you want." Angel grinned.

Minnie then looked behind him...before she gasped and rushed over to the Morningstar Twins. "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE LUCIFER!!!"

Lucifer blinked. "...uhhh. Yeah?"

"The first Fallen Angel, right!? I'm a huge fan! Well, not the whole Hell and unleashing evil thing, but your story is just kickass!!! I'm a rebel myself, heh!" Minnie smiled. "Hell, I named my band after you and the other Fallen Angels!"

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